We have recently have a change in management that is making every move I make or want unappliacable. My top manager is hostile that she cuts you off at any forms in coversational sentences and embasses you in a full forum. The enactive managers will soon be replace by follow co-workers be know as seniors without any people skills. This means more hostility in a clique-ish way. So this means I have no rights nor any one to go to for problems or request. There is change of command I have to go thru but its these TROLLS that will not let me cross. That means If I want to call in or request a day off, these peopel will deny it out of spike and laughs. The upper leaders will not talk to you with permission from theses clowns. I have found out that some of my friends are also going thru the same changes. So, changes jobs seems bleak. I don't know; Stay with the devil you know. you seeriously do nto have a voice and the FCC guidelines for a hostile work envoriment is over 40 years past due. I feel like I am fighting a street gang on a daily basis and the ignorance it fuels. Ideas and improvements are crucified here so no new sugguestions aer made but there is a lot of accussation of how you do not do your job or any knowledge of your job. Yes, there will call you dumb, stupid, and curse you out openly. I hate my co-workers refuse to come together against this . Mainly because your so call friend turns out to be your back stabber.