Hi there
I have been with my partner now since around April of last year in 2011, he is the same age as myself and we get on well, dont argue and seem to enjoy the same things. I dont feel he is (shall we say) exciting for me enough, not in a bad boy sense but in a way where I feel that I wish he could make me feel more excited to see him. I work a good 50 hour week and likewise for him too, we both work hard and do well for a living. I have a lovely bunch of friends I go out with frequently twice a month and see my family whereas he is close to his family doesnt live nearby and doesnt have or go anywhere with friends. I find this very strange and it puts a strain on me a little bit and outside of our relationship he enjoys the gym but doesnt really go and I dont see any other hobbies he does outside of us. For me I have a few and love the gym, friends, skiing etc. He goes skiing with me but never alone. He says its because work is long hours as he drives alot with it, which is understandable and he is tired, when I get up at 6.30am he is still in bed until 9.30am - 10am then heads to work as he can work for himself and has alot of freedom with it too.
I dont seem to be attracted to him, like I dont feel I look at him and think "oh I want to rip your clothes off!" or "You are so goodlooking!" I dont feel any of that, its more "you are a nice person and really sweet!" - there is no raw sex appeal for me (sorry being honest here).
I mentioned it to him last night in conversation and I did admit our relationship of nearly a year has never been intense passionately from the start its just there, we have sex about 2/3 times a week and some times its really nice, but its never often frequently its just now and again....but its now been 2 weeks without it and whenever I am close to him I just dont feel anything but sometimes I do,,just wish is was all the time. I do like him, I think love him but its impossible to if you dont feel that passion/intensity where the physical is concerned.
My last relationship of 3 years it was the complete opposite and I couldnt get enough of him. I just dont know what to think/do as he is a good person and I feel I need to spice things up before I start wandering off.
The other problem as well is the fact that I dont find his body attractive, this could be the main problem I have, his upper half is really not nice for me to look at bless him but the lower is, so I am nice and always suggest training together as a couple, eating well/healthy and suggesting different routines to help us but his work/lifestyle wont change, even getting him up at 7am it doesnt ever happen because of all the driving he does..
Any suggestions before I may have to leave here...
thank you for reading