Hi I am currently 18 years old, 190 lbs and 5foot8inches in height. I am semi-jacked however I am looking to get a bit more explosive. Perhaps like this http://www.fastabsguide.com/ripped.jpg. I am not interested in taking any supplements such as roids, jack3d, creatine etc. I wanna go all natural except for maybe some protein shakes. A lot of people tell me that to get like this requires like 90% diet and 10% working out. I know its not going to be easy and I don't expect it to be easy however I am just looking for someone to give me some tips or guidelines that will allow me to reach this goal. My first step towards this is that I am going to try to make it to the gym at least 4 times a week and never skip a day. But I don't know how heavy of the weights I should do. My main goal is to become very big muscular wise. I am not too picky about toning at this point. Any advice?