
I had been having problems focusing my vision lately; I constantly get headaches when I read and have problems looking at the whiteboard in class. It got progressively worse over the last few months, so I went to see the optometrist.

My prescript for lenses is very very mild from what I understand. In fact, the optometrist said that I didn't really "need" corrective lenses, which kind of frustrated me after I've been having such problems. But he is the expert, so I trusted him. He said if I'm "uncomfortable" reading, I could use them for that, and driving. So here are the stats:

OD -.25 astigmatism (plano lens) and OS -.75 nearsightedness (sphere lens)

The glasses seem to help A LOT. However, I am still having problems focusing (though less). I'm just concerned that if they are such a low prescription, I might be damaging my eyes by wearing them. I noticed that when I take them off, things are much blurrier than before I got them.

Considering that I have 20/25 and such a low astigmatism, do you think my vision problems could be medical or psychological? And, since the prescript lenses do help, will I potentially make my vision worse or hurt my eyes by wearing them? Thanks!