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  1. #211
    Alfuewi's Avatar
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    Henry?Anne {The Tudors} #8: I almost believe I would sacrifice my kingdom for an hour in your arms.


  2. #212
    chillax's Avatar
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    Henry?Anne {The Tudors} #8: I almost believe I would sacrifice my kingdom for an hour in your arms.

    Episode 7 Henry and Anne dancing is our winner! :yay:

  3. #213
    AnnaMarie's Avatar
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    Henry?Anne {The Tudors} #8: I almost believe I would sacrifice my kingdom for an hour in your arms.

    Henry & Anne
    Appreciation Thread

    Henry and Anne are just amazing together. Yes, historically, I know what will happen later in the series. But it's also clear to see how deeply in love Anne and Henry are. No matter what happens in the future, their love is very real. At first Anne is trying to manipulate the king, but later she actually falls for him.

    Scene of the Moment

    The Characters

    Henry VIII ~ Jonathan Rhys Meyers

    (28 June 1491 – 28 January 1547)

    As the young and virile king of one of the most powerful nations in the world, King Henry VIII of England seems to have it all. However, he is troubled by religious unrest in his own kingdom, as well as by political struggles and changing allegiances with other countries. Weighing most on his mind is his failure thus far to produce a male heir with his Queen, Katherine of Aragon. She is a pious and dutiful Queen who is popular with the people, but the difficult pursuit of a divorce approved by the Pope attracts Henry when he meets, falls in love with, and later seduces Anne Boleyn.
    Determined that Anne will be his wife and will provide him with the legitimate son he so desperately craves, Henry separates himself from his wife and the Catholic faith causing friction with the pope and a clash of religious opinions.

    Henry is presented as a spoiled and indulged ruler who after his marriage to Anne will not allow anyone to contradict him, having tasted an intoxicating sample of absolute power. So when he fails in his attempts to have a son with her, he is quick to lay the blame at Anne's door and then by chance meets Jane Seymour, a sweet, shy girl, and falls in love with her.

    Convinced that his future lies with Jane, Henry takes the chance to be rid of Anne when his longtime friend Charles Brandon tells him rumors suggest she has been unfaithful. Anne is quickly brought to trial, found guilty and executed.

    Although Henry's personal life improves with his marriage to Jane Seymour, who helps reunite him with his daughters, his position is threatened when Catholics in the north start to rebel against him. He crushes the rebellion and brutally punishes all those involved. Finally Henry's wish comes true when Jane gives him the one thing that his last two wives couldn't, a son. But his joy is short lived when Jane falls sick and soon dies from childbed fever, leaving Henry in a deep state of depression.

    He remains a widower for three years until Cromwell pushes him into a fourth marriage with the German Anne of Cleves. With promises of her beauty he agrees to wed her but is disgusted by her when he finally meets her. Unable to escape the betrothal he marries Anne but starts divorce proceedings soon after. He then notices the extremely young and seductive Katherine Howard and decides he will marry her because she makes him feel young again. The marriage didn't last with Katherine Howard, once her hidden past relations with Francis Derham as well as her adulterous affair with Thomas Culpeper came to light and was executed for it. Henry later marries his sixth and final wife Catherine Parr, a wealthy widow closer to Henry's age. She was a loving wife and step-mother to all three of Henry's children and was made Queen Regnent during Henry's absence at Boulogne. Some suspected Catherine Parr of heresy and she was almost arrested for it (by Bishop Gardiner).

    Anne Boleyn ~ Natalie Dormer

    icons made by Insecure Delusions

    (1501/1507 – 19 May 1536)

    Daughter of Thomas Boleyn, and sister of George and Mary Boleyn. She had a brief love affair with poet Thomas Wyatt, although that romance was terminated when Anne was sent to be a lady-in-waiting to Queen Katherine, and as a pawn of her father and uncle's schemes to ruin Cardinal Wolsey. She attracted Henry VIII's attention at the masquerade where she, along with Henry's sister Margaret, played two of the Graces. By her father's orders, she continually put herself in Henry's way, till Henry was so enamoured of her that he vowed he would take her as his only mistress if she would give herself to him. Anne, remerabering how her sister was thrown aside after Henry tired of her, refused him, saying that she was saving her virginity for her eventual husband, causing Henry, already at odRAB with Queen Katherine for failing to produce a living son, to consider annulment or divorce. She admits to her father that while she didn't like the role of sacrificial larab at first, she was growing to love Henry. At first the relationship was a secret, but more and more Henry honored her as his consort rather than Katherine. The delay of the annulment proceedings frustrated Henry, and Anne used this opportunity to blame Wolsey for the delay, leaving him when she felt that the proceedings will never come to fruition. She also gradually turned him in favor of Protestantism so that, as head of the church in his realm, he could finally divorce Katherine without referring to the Roman Church.

    The second season sees Anne reach the peak of her power. She is created as Marquess of Perabroke and is taken to France to meet the French King Francis as the future Queen and sleeps with Henry and thus conceives a child who she is confident will be a boy. Anne and Henry's hopes are dashed when she gives birth to a daughter, Elizabeth, which sets in motion the Act of Succession. She is more or less manipulated by her father to do everything to win Henry's love (which becomes evident after her miscarriage of her second child). She allows Henry to disinherit his daughter Mary but tries to establish ties with her conditional upon Mary accepting her as queen. Mary rebuRAB this offer.

    Anne becomes desperate to conceive a son but miscarries and is accused of witchcraft and adultery. Henry removes Elizabeth from the line of succession, convinced she is not his daughter, and sentences Anne to execution by beheading.

    Princess Elizabeth Tudor ~ The Family

    (7 Septeraber 1533 – 24 March 1603)

    The daughter of Henry and Anne Boleyn. During Elizabeth's infancy, she is proclaimed Princess of England and the Act of Succession nominates her as the heir to the throne, supplanting her older half-sister, Mary, who is sent to Elizabeth's establishment at Hatfield to wait on her. Shortly before Anne's execution, her marriage to Henry is annulled, making Elizabeth a bastard. She is removed from the line of succession and referred to as Lady Elizabeth.

    In the aftermath of Anne's execution, Henry is initially unwilling to have anything to do with Elizabeth, claiming not to believe that she is his child, but when Elizabeth's half-sister, Mary, and stepmother, Jane Seymour, arrange for her to be brought to court and presented to her father for Christmas 1536, she is welcomed. She attenRAB the christening of her half-brother, Edward, and later goes to live at HunRABon with Mary. In episode 3.07, Elizabeth and Mary are present at court to greet their newest stepmother, Anne of Cleves. At this time, Henry refers to both daughters by the title of Princess but it is unclear whether or not they have been restored to the succession.

    The Queen

    Season 1 Moments

    art made by Insecure Delusions

    Season 2 Moments

    arts made by Insecure Delusions

    Their Meeting

    Season 1 Survivor Game Winner

    made by SkateGirl88

    Shipper List

    3.)Angelus'sslave(honory shipper!)
    17.)Let The Ball Drop
    18.)?Butterfly Kiss

    Song List

    1.)Gravity of Love by Enigma
    2.)Missing by Evanescence
    3.)Undisclosed Desires by Muse

    Video List
    YouTube - Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn: Gravity of Love
    YouTube - Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn: Cancão Do Mar
    YouTube - Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn: Missing
    Youtube - Hnery VIII and Anne Boleyn: Too Lost in you
    YouTube - Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn: Loving You
    YouTube - Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn: I love the way you lie
    YouTube - Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn: Suicide
    YouTube - Anne Boleyn: The Most Happy
    YouTube - Anne Boleyn: What you feel
    YouTube - Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn: Henry sees Anne ~ Final Scene
    YouTube - Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn: Undisclosed Desires
    You Tube - Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn: Can you hear my call?
    You Tube - Henry/Anne: If you only knew
    You Tube - Henry/Anne: Don't walk away
    You Tube - Henry/Anne: Cosmic Love
    You Tube - Henry/Anne: Broken Strings
    You Tube - Henry/Anne: Good Girls Go Bad
    You Tube - Henry/Anne: Beautiful Girl
    You Tube - Henry VIII/Anne Boleyn: Only Human
    You Tube - Henry VIII/Anne Boleyn: Martial Law
    You Tube - Henry/Anne: I would die for you
    You Tube - Anne Boleyn & Heny VIII: A historic love
    You Tube - Henry/Anne: Love Song Requiem
    You Tube - Anne Boleyn: Anne's Final Walk (May 19th, 1536)
    You Tube - Henry VIII/Anne Boleyn: My Skin
    You Tube - Henry/Anne: It was not my fault
    You Tube - Henry VIII/Anne Boleyn: A world without you
    You Tube - Henry VIII/Anne Boleyn: What Happened To Us
    You Tube - Henry/Anne: Poker Face
    You Tube - Henry/Anne: Broken Inside
    You Tube - Henry/Anne: Breathe into me
    You Tube - Henry VIII/Anne Boleyn: Days Gone By
    You Tube - Henry VIII/Anne Boleyn: Hot and Cold
    You Tube - Henry/Anne: Breathe me
    You Tube - Henry/Anne: Love Story
    You Tube - Henry/Anne: Heavy in your arms
    You Tube - Henry/Anne: My Last Breath
    You Tube - Henry/Anne: Howl
    You Tube - Henry VIII/Anne Boleyn: Cut

    Links List
    Natalie Dormer @ Natalie-Dormer.Com / The Original Natalie Dormer Fansite
    ???Jonathan Rhys Meyers Fan ????? JRMFAN.COM
    Tudors Online - Watch The Tudors Every Sunday at 10pm EST on Showtime
    :::THE TUDORS ONLINE:::{Fan Site} Watch the Tudors On Showtime @ 10 Pm Sunday Nights
    all episodes can be found here:
    Hella Good (Powered by Invision Power Board)

    Previous ThreaRAB
    Couples - HenryღAnne {The Tudors} #7: Because true love is the love that will have the most sorrow, shame, and anger. - Fan Forum

    Title Suggestions
    ~Because in most of the famous tragic love stories you DO kill your true love
    ~Because Anne Boleyn/Natalie Dormer was the best thing that happened to "The Tudors"
    ~Because Henry and Anne's relationship was the best thing that happened to "The Tudors"
    ~Love is a battle, love is a war.
    ~Love is blind, and lovers cannot see the pretty follies that themselves commit.

    art made by Insecure Delusions

    Memorable Quotes

    Henry: "Perseverance, you are my prisoner now."

    Anne: [Henry sticks his hand up her dress] Not like this.
    Henry: How then?
    Anne:Seduce me. Write letters to me. And poems, I love poems. Ravish me with your worRAB. Seduce me.

    Anne: "Your gracious Majesty, it causes me such pain and grief to return the gifts you gave me, alas, they're too beautiful and I, unworthy to receive them." - Your loving servant, Anne Boleyn.

    Henry: "Perhaps you don't understand but I can't sleep, I can hardly breathe for thinking of you. Your image is before my eyes every waking second. I almost believe I would sacrifice my kingdom for an hour in your arms. I beg you, name some place we can meet and where I can show you an affection which is beyond common affection.
    Written with the hand of your servant, Henry."

    Henry: "I have dreamt of this moment for a long time. You must know I desire you with all my heart."

    Henry: "Anne, I want to say something to you. If it pleases you to be my true loyal mistress and friend, to give yourself up to me body and soul, I promise, I'll take you as my only mistress. I won't have a thought or an affection for anyone else."

    Anne: "I make you this promise, when we are married, I will deliver you a son."

    Henry: "Your neck, I love your neck."

    Henry: "I want them to be envious. I want all of them to know exactly how much I love you."

    Anne: "Forgive me, I spoke of things I should not."
    Henry: "No, no, I give you leave that we may always speak freely with each other, honestly, openly and with a true heart. For me, that is the true definition of love."

    Henry: "Have I made you unhappy?
    Anne: "No. I would only be unhappy if you ever stopped loving me.
    Henry: "London would have to melt into the Thames first."

    Anne: "Even if I were to suffer a thousand deaths...my love for you would note abate one jot!"

    Anne: "I love you, with my every breath, with every fiber of my being, I love you and I am yours."
    Henry: "And I am yours."

    Anne: "And now my love...let me conceive...and we will have a son."

    Henry: "I will still give you a son. Come soon my darling to my hot bed."

    Anne: "You told me, you always told me that we should be truthful with each other. You said it was the definition of love."
    Henry: "Then here's the truth. You must shut your eyes and endure, like your betters have done before you."
    Anne: "How can you say that to me? Don't you know I love you a thousand times more than Katherine ever did."
    Henry: "And don't you know that I could drag you down as quickly as I raised you. Tis lucky you have your bed already, Madam, because if you did not, I would not give it to you again."

    Henry: "You've lost my boy. Don't speak of it, the loss is too great. But I see now that God will not grant me any male children. When you are up I will speak with you."
    Anne: "It is not all my fault. You have no one to blame but yourself for this.I was distressed to see you with that wench Jane Seymour, because the love I bear you is so great. It broke my heart to see you loved others.
    Henry: "I said I will speak with you when you are well."

    Anne: "Henry please. Henry please. For the love you bear our child, for the love of Elizabeth, have mercy."
    Henry:"You lied to me, you've always lied to me!"
    Anne: Anne:"No!"
    Henry: "You were not a virgin when you married me. You are not what you seem. Your father and your brother arranged everything"
    Anne: "No, I loved you, I loved you and I love you still. Please after all we have been to each other, after everything we were, please. One more chance, one more. Henry!! Your Majesty!!! Your Majesty I beseech you!!!"

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