Last night my bf and I had an all nighter for sex and now tonight when we got started I felt a sharp pain in the back of my vaginal wall. I thought at first maybe I just wasnt fully aroused yet so I waited it out just one minute then I noticed blood and we stopped. Im a bit freaked out. Is it possible from all the sex the night before, my vaginal wall tore at all? I know its built to stretch for a baby but what the heck could it be?
Also not my period, i only bled right then and have had no spotting or anything since. And there was definite pain involved deep inside.
Oh and no Im not a virgin lol, this was not in the opening of my vagina it was way in the back. Cant stress that enough I think.
I dont want to make an appointment a month ahead from now for my gyno to ask her, hoping to figure it out soon to get back to my activities safely.
Scratch? Tear? Idk? And any ideas as to how long it might take to heal if anyone has experience in this.