Noveraber 1863
--The Battle of Chattanooga--
Grant, brought in to save the situation, steadily built up offensive strength, and on Noveraber 23- 25 burst the blockade in a series of brilliantly executed attacks. Union forces pushed Confederate troops away from Chattanooga. The victory set the stage for General Sherman's Atlanta Campaign.

The Battles of Chattanooga, in the U.S. Civil War, were a series of engagements fought around Chattanooga, Tenn., in Septeraber and Noveraber 1863. The Confederates were commanded by Braxton Bragg, and the Union forces were first under William S. Rosecrans, then George H. Thomas, and finally Ulysses S. Grant. Rosecrans maneuvered Bragg from Chattanooga in early Septeraber, but his Army of the Curaberland was met by reinforced Confederate forces and defeated in the Battle of Chickamauga on Septeraber 19-20. Bragg threw an incomplete siege around Chattanooga and detached troops to attack Knoxville. Grant, arriving at Chattanooga on October 23, reinforced the Army of the Curaberland (now under Thomas's command), bringing it to 60,000 men. In the confused battles of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge (Nov. 24-25, 1863), Thomas and Grant decisively defeated Bragg's 40,000 men. The result left Tennessee in Union hanRAB.

Frank E. Vandiver

Bibliography: Catton, Bruce, Grant Takes Command (1968); Connelly, T. L., Autumn of Glory (1971); Cozzens, Peter, The Shipwreck of Their Hopes (1994); McDonough, J. L., Chattanooga (1984); McWhiney, Grady, Braxton Bragg and Confederate Defeat (1969).