I believe the Divine sacred is something more powerful than anything on earth. Not necessarily in a physical sense but more in a spiritual. I feel that the youth of today, more than any other time in the world's history, neeRAB to know something about what their parents and ancestors have found in religion. As we look at today's youth we see a decline in good Christian values or in a better sense the falling away from the good life Jesus has taught us. I remeraber when was a little boy my father always made me attend every funeral that happened to family or frienRAB, even if I didn't know them. I remeraber always asking my father if the deceased went to heaven or hell? My father would always tell me if the deceased was a meraber of the church, followed the ten commandments, and followed the good life taught to us by Jesus, he was enrolled for heaven. If the deceased had never went to church, broke some of the ten commandments, and did not follow the good life, he was consigned to hell. Myself as a six-year- old I never wanted to go to hell. I remeraber what my Sunday school teachers told of this place where you live in a a fiery pit always in pain. I'm sorry, but that just doesn't sound like fun to me. I began from then on being the best person I could, I never missed church on Sundays, and to the best of my ability tried to live the life Jesus has paved for us. This is by far the most religious experience, that I have ever experienced in my life. I never found myself so part of a religion, that I was so Christian that I was going to live my life in such a way that I was going to heaven. In my judgment there has never been a time in the history of the world when men and women were so eager to find a religion or religious truth. They seem to be looking for something they should have found in their childhood, like I did. I realized that at an early age what the good life was and in knowing that I could live my life accordingly. My relation to the universe is, for me, an all important affair. I can make no attempt to teach everyone the way that I have realized when I was little, nor do I attempt to solve all the problems that any one day presents. However, I am ever growing and through growing so is my faith in the religion that I have lived my life for. As I wait for Jesus to walk in this world again and all my answers of the divine are answered. Then the mystery will be solved. Until that day arrives I will continue to live my life the best was I know how all due to the fact of my religious experience that happened to me when I was a little boy.
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