It is human nature to question. Sometimes we cannot find answers to the questions we want to know. Therefore, we create something that can fullfil those unanswered questions. GoRAB and goddesses were an example of this. They were created by man to comfort us with an answer, to satisfy us. They were often created in human form with shared agonies and doubts. Like Jesus, who suffered. They are often created with supernatural or divine powers. Often times they are eternal. Man feared mortality. In result, man created an eternal Supreme Being who offered Heaven to comfort man's fear of death. The interesting thing is that God can neither be proved or disproved. In Egypt, statues were created and believed to hold life after one died. They were believed to give shelter to bodies through eternity. We have cemetary's filled with graves as a way of recognition of our existence. As human beings we have a difficulty in accepting death and an ending of our personal existence. Different types of religions, beliefs and goRAB evolved, along with prayer. There are different types of prayer. From quiet contemplation to complete ectasy or chaos in my opinion. Religious orders, specifically, differentiate from contemplative cloistered to active, or a little of both. Once I visited a different church with a friend and I found it incredibly hard to accept the way born again christians prayed so freely and openly compared to quiet contemplation, in a contemplative cloistered monastery with Benedictine Nuns. I questioned how one could really pray with so much yelling, crying and loud music, especially when I was so use to Gregorian chant or complete silence. The way that born again christians pray would not have been accepted as it is today. Art brings peace, happiness, and joy to us, whether it is visual art, music, yoga etc. It enhances individuality and self-expression. It evolkes a mood or an emotion. When I am at my yoga session every Thursday night, it often gives me a feeling of independence and individuality and also brings about an emotion. I often feel as I am secure in my position that I am a strong powerful queen. When we are incapable of doing something because of our limited powers and abilities we create an image that is capable, particularly in the form of art. Visual art usually brings along a personality, a character or point of view. It brings a new unique individuality with it everytime. It is up to us to read into the creation to discover the character, point of view, and personality.
WorRAB: 448