
I am creating a program that calculates the distance between the x, y, z coordinates of atoms listed in a pdb file.

So far i have this:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

$num = 0;
$count = 0;

while (<>) {

# Find x, y, z coordinates and store in separate arrays

if ($_ =~ /^ATOM/) {
@line = $_ =~ m/^(.....).(.....).(....).(...)..(....)....(........ )(........)(........)/;

$x = $line[5];
$arrayx[$num] = $x;

$y = $line[6];
$arrayy[$num] = $y;

$z = $line[7];
$arrayz[$num] = $z;


# Count number of atoms

if ($_ =~ /^ATOM/) {

# Calculate distance between all atom coordinates

foreach $i (0..$count) {

foreach $j ($i + 1..$count) {

$dist = sqrt(
($arrayx[$i] - $arrayx[$j])**2 +
($arrayy[$i] - $arrayy[$j])**2 +
($arrayz[$i] - $arrayz[$j])**2

print "$dist\n"


When I run the program i get this message popping up for some of the lines and I don't know what to do to fix it:

"Use of uninitialized value in subtraction (-) at ./gas.pl line 42, <> line 14368"

The line that it states is the last line of the pdb file, however i don't see why this line is involved in my calculations as this is not present in any of my arrays.

The pdb file I'm using is located here : http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/explore.do?structureId=3PBL

Any help would be much appreciated as I am VERY new to Perl.
