I've had this phone for two years and its been working fine. I mean I dropped it a couple of times but never on concrete, only on carpet, bed, etc. Only once i dropped it on tiles a year back and a small scratch resulted on the screen. This morning I woke up and saw I had 15% battery life so I decided to charge it. However, when I plugged it in, it didn't charge. I tried plugging it into different outlets but nothing. Tried wiggling the wire in different ways too but nothing happened. I tried taking out the battery and putting it back, it would just turn the phone back on then turn off again a while later. Even now I have it plugged into my computer as I type this and it shut itself down, although for some reason the side light is still flickering on and off. (when its charging, the side light stays a solid green but when the battery is below 15% it flashes). After I'd remove the battery and put it back, it'd restart and the side light would remain green (a sign that its charging) but my phone's battery icon in the top right corner would just show low battery life and no signs of charging. Is there anything I can try besides buying a new phone or charger to fix this issue, any troubleshooting ideas? Thanks for your time.

PS: Wow just as I was about to hit post, my phone somehow turned back on again and the green light stayed on but it ended up just shutting down again. Its very glitchy, I have no idea what to do.