>>> sad news this weekend when we learned of the death of a man who started life with no intention of becoming a national figure. rodney king was beaten to within an inch of his life by the lapd back in 1991 . it was really one of the first impactful viral videos in public life and in the aftermath entire city blocks of los angeles burned for days. in life, he was troubled, confused, and sometimes was able to push back against his own demons, but sometimes they won. before the end of his life, he said he had no bitterness over what had happened to him. we have a look back tonight from nbc 's miguel almaguer.
>> reporter: rodney king once said he could never outrun his troubled past. on sunday he was found dead in the swimming pool he built. king's fiance discovered his body.
>> it appears that this is a drowning and there were no obvious signs of foul play.
>> reporter: for the last decade king lived here in california, an hour outside of los angeles , where some 20 years ago he was thrust into the spotlight. king's infamous arrest and beating came to symbolize police brutality . his story made headlines around the world. in one of his final interviews, king spoke to nbc 's lester holt .
>> every time they swung the baton i could hear it cracking. there was a cracking of my bones every time i took a blow.
>> not guilty of the crime of assault by force.
>> reporter: in 1992 the four white police officers who claimed king was resisting arrest were cleared of state charges. king was in disbelief. the city of los angeles went up in flames. for nearly a week race riots ripped apart the city. more than 50 were killed and 600 buildings destroyed. in a defining moment, king pled for peace.
>> can we all get along? can we get along?
>> reporter: the violence came to an end, but king's troubles were far from over. he squandered his nearly $4 million settlement with the city. he was arrested, sent to prison, and spent months in rehab.
>> he was dealing with addiction when he was asked to be the planetary representative for police brutality and racial strife, and he never asked for this.
>> reporter: before he died, king forgave the officers who beat him.
>> i just try and let it go in the past and be a positive force for -- from now on.
>> reporter: but at 47, rodney king was unable to shake the demons that haunted his past. miguel almaguer, nbc news, re realto, california.