I heard an interview with an Author regarding a book called "You don't have to be wrong for me to be right" by author Brad Hirschfield who is also a rabbi.

The discussion was excellent on ways to discuss issues without bring out personal attacks and I feel a great deal of people would benefit from this. I just ordered the book, am I the only one interested in reading this book? Are you also interested in returning to the issues and not personal attacks?

I feel we'd get more to the heart of the issues with staying on point and avoiding the personal attacks and "you're dumb and I'm smart type of debating that goes on currently.

Ever wonder how politicians can be cordial to each other and ask about each others families/children yet us on the outside can't even do this? I am liberal but am friends with lots of conservatives- but to have these conversations we have established some 'ground rules' and being personal friends with these people I can see how conservatives are not the 'devil and greedy' as some lefty extremists attempt to portray.

We just have some very different ideas for the country. I think everyone has their heart in the right place just different ideas on how to achieve everyone's common goal. To repair America and continue to make it the greatest nation in the world.

What do you think? Think we need to all learn how to maintain civility when discussing these very important issues facing the country?