Due to sheer need, I've decided to get my first real phone at the unbelievably old age of... 19.
When I first saw the Galaxy Note, I snorted with laughter and said only an idiot would want a phone that is that big.
And a month later, I've decided to take the plunge and connect myself... with a Note. Heh.
I love the size, look, the crystal clarity and all that. Bigger is better, after all.

I will primarily be using it for online browsing/the few odd calls - are they suitable? I know that Samsung's recently brought out a Galaxy S III - but they feel too small for me, which is ironic considering I have tiny hands.

So do you have one/are they okay? Are they easy to use and is the Note II that much different?

Also gotta add - since my laptop died last week, and since I can't call people on a tablet - is the Note a decent replacement? It's really a choice between laptop vs. Note, and laptops don't usually have call settings/are pretty damn big for just calling.

Thanks in advance!
And don't be afraid to dumb down what you're saying - I'm not terribly great with half the stuff that's being advertised for these smart phones. Heh.