I know it's marxist-political correctness, but where did such a myth come from?

All of history's greatest logicians, philosophers & scientists were religious. While atheist were busy being drunken, slave-raping communist tyrants, theists were busy giving us the scientific method, modern logic, the constitution, the industrial revolution, freedom of speech, freedom of science, free flow of information, modern cosmology, modern physics & everything useful. While the atheistic left was stuck in the primitive pagan age of barbarism, immorality & psychopathy, religious men were busy building western civilization & inventing everything useful.

So before it became the hollywood fantasy world's illuminati political correctness, where did such an absolutely stupid myth come from? As if morality & sanity can hinder science. Atheists have contributed nothing but moral anarchy, hate, bigotry, evil & marxist brainwash. Theists gave us everything we have & value. Atheists were always scumbag pirates who took but never gave. Only reason the elite today profess atheism is because political correctness pays the bills.