So yeah I am currently a sophomore. Right now, I want to study abroad to learn there culture, etc! I always wanted to study in South Korea, Thailand, Japan, and China. I want to learn their culture! But my mom said that i'm too young (14 years old) Which is true. So I have to wait until I graduate.

Actually, all I want is to study for a year in those country, that's all. Maybe with a host family. I don't want to become like, a teacher or etc. All I want is to learn their culture IN that country. That's it! But how? I'm so confused Yes I can learn online but for me, It's better when i'm there in that country learning. So yeah help me please! So confused lol.

So the question really is, what do I have to do? When I graduate, My course will be bachelor in music. But I can't just pick that course and then travel for a year and study for a year on a country and not do anything with my college. So yeah. Should I pick a course about culture and then switch to applied music when I'm done learning about those cultures? Thanks!!