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  1. #1
    Macias R.
    Macias R.'s Avatar

    Genesis 3:7: Can a Christian belonging to a nudist group or living at a nudist camp

    or resort? “Then the eyes of both of them became opened and they began to realize that they were naked. Hence they sewed fig leaves together and made loin coverings for themselves” (Genesis 3:7).
    What do you think of that biblical verse ?
    “And Jehovah God proceeded to make long garments of skin for Adam and for his wife and to clothe them” (Genesis 3:21).

  2. #2
    Bethany's Avatar
    sure why not? as long as it doesn't float their boat too much!

  3. #3
    Losasha's Avatar
    NO----lust is sinful-----adultery is sinful-----fornication is sinful-----NEED I LIST MORE----?? or the verses themselves---??

  4. #4
    Veronica's Avatar
    What amazes is me is that they were neither hot nor cold.

  5. #5
    garybing's Avatar
    I guess you don't believe the "birthday suit" was God's creation. I just love the religious inconsistencies. It makes for good diversionary entertainment.There was a nude beach in Torrey Pines area of San Diego.I had a good time being natural with nature.But a certain group of gays (not all) ruined it for all having illicit sex in the bushes and low trees along a trail leading northward to another beach, not nude.There were signs years ago saying clothing optional beach. They were taken down when a helicopter kept cruising by and taking photos from a huge camera of an open side door.I felt violated but I wasn't doing anything wrong , but others were, up the trail.

  6. #6
    hermit's Avatar
    Sure go ahead
    If you defy Genesis 3:7 you're probably either insane or its a good thing

    WTF^ nudists does not imply lust, adultery, or fornication

  7. #7
    West end
    West end's Avatar
    nudism is just disgusting. nobody wants to see a bunch of hairy old pervs walking around.

  8. #8
    Queen Kira
    Queen Kira's Avatar
    No, it is immodest. The verse you quoted is a good reference, also the fact that God made for them "coats of skin" shortly after this to cover their nudity.

  9. #9
    stranger's Avatar
    Both Fireball and Losasha need to cease and desist their answering of questions with their misinformed point of views immediately!

    is it wrong for a Christian to be naked in the shower? is it wrong that we are born naked? there is nothing lustful about nudists. to them it is perfectly natural and only a pervert would go to a nudist colony just to get their jollies! in fact they tend to frown on people like that. they aren't all getting naked and having orgies. they're getting naked and being perfectly comfortable with themselves.

    it'd be like if you lived your entire life naked with no knowledge of what clothes are, you would probably find people who wear clothes very strange.



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