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  1. #1
    HuuPoo's Avatar
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    Why does the court system support women over men during divorce?

    I've known a lot of men who've gone through divorce. They lost there houses, all there furniture, vehicles, lots of money to there ex-wives. Some of the guys slept on my couch, and some slept at friends houses to get back on there feet, while there ex-wives just took everything from them.

    On the other hand! When I spoke to women who were divorced, they say things like "Yup, I took everything from that loser.""I took his car, I took his house, and yup.. I think I'll go and sell his stupid car." Now I understand that some women divorce, because the relationship was abusive. Now days! I Mostly hear women divorcing, because they've found a better guy to be with or want to go out and have fun more.

    Now that tons of women are working, making more money than men, getting great jobs, and not to mention are now equals to men. Why is it that the court system still heavily favors women over men in divorce?

  2. #2
    dasboos13's Avatar
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    I think a lot of it has to do with the situation in the marriage to begin with. There are plenty of women who get married in order to be taken care of and supported. There are plenty of men who are happy to oblige them. These are the men who lose everything in a divorce. They go to work and make all the money, and the woman stays home. Once they get into the divorce process, legally the woman is entitled to half of everything, whether they technically "earned" it or not. They have always been taken care of by their husbands, and from a court's point of view, they have to be supported in the way that they were during their marriage.

    Not all divorces are like this, but I have seen a few. It's the best theory I have.

  3. #3
    mtblucky's Avatar
    well life is a double standard. its like when men sleep with a bunch of women, he gets praised for, when women sleep with a bunch of men she is called a whore. same thing goes for these kind of things....only the women play the victims. its sad but thats life

  4. #4
    stacie's Avatar
    That's just the way it is.

  5. #5
    Nick B.
    Nick B.'s Avatar
    Well they really dont anymore, but its all about the principle of alamony. That the women has become "accustomed" to a certain way of living and the man is supposed to still support her, its basically a way for the woman or man to survive till they can get back on their feet. Usually men make bigger salaries, even today men are usually paid more even if they do the same job as the woman. The courts do not favor women the favor the person who makes the least and therefore they sorta split everything, its usually uneven and favors the lesser of the two but its pretty fair if you have even a ok lawyer. Chris Rock did a comdey skit on this, were he was talking about a judge being told by the woman that im accustomed to this and that and this much money. But then Chris Rock says "Your honor im accustomed to F;ucking her two times a week how bout some p;ussy payments. Which I thought was not at all a bad idea lol. But courts actually usually only technically "favor" the woman if theres children involved.

  6. #6
    DJ's Avatar
    that doesnt always happen.....i knew this woman who was trying to divorce this guy, this couple hadnt been together for years. somehow the judge knew that she wanted to marry some other dude. he dragged that divorce out as long as he could! ive heard this particular judge hates women! he thinks women are always trying to get a free ride!

  7. #7
    A.K.'s Avatar
    Easy man, cause people are still stuck in gender roles. In my mind, the world looks like a better place with homeless men, then homeless women. How many newly homeless women would there be if they were homeless with no skills. How many new rape cases would their be. No one rapes male bums. However if u seen the former Mrs. Smith who u were fiending for when she was married. Now she has nuthin and ur will to exchange all that for a piece of her. She has become something like a sex slave for food. I sure this is a little extreme, but how often do thing like this happen that we don't publically hear about.
    Im sure people much rather the man suck it up, "be a man." Chances are women would have a harder time doing things legit then man in most situations after a divorce. Call me sexist, could care less, I just see the world the way u see urself when u wake up. All jacked up and in need of some surgury.

  8. #8
    sunrise's Avatar
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    When I got divorced my ex husband didn't show up to court. I got the house and everything in it. We were separated for 5 years all those years I paid for the house. To this day he is no where to be found.



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