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  1. #1
    L. Crale
    L. Crale's Avatar

    Is Aussie Rules a "bogan's" sport?

    I'm 16 and am originally from Melb Australia however I now live in London xD

    I never really like hated AFL but neither did I like it lol.
    But now I've got a taste of European sport (skiing, football (the real football, not Aussie rules) etc) and when I look back at AFL I... idk I just look at it different. I can remember all the people and the culture behind it etc. It makes me feel weird. I can remember the ppl at the mcg yelling and swearing and stuff and to be honest I never see it over here.

    Now I ask people here what they think but like I expected they don't know what the hell I'm talking about. But there's another aussie kid in my year level (a boy lol) and he hates AFL he say's it's a bogan's game or something (strange word, I'd never heard of it)

    So is this just me in this new culture and all this new sport or does the game's following have some bogan or whatever fans?
    God people in this category are so mean and defensive

    Learn to take constructive criticism in your stride, jeez.
    1. skiing is a sport (much better, and more dangerous, than Aussie rules)

    2. the kid in my year level is not a poof infact he's a county tennis champion. Why do only people in this category use that term? And why is that if you don't like contact sport, you're automatically a 'poof'? why don't you grow up, you freak?

    3. I don't have any friends that like harry potter (although I did see the filming for the new one last night in london). Do you get that sort of thing in australia? Thank God I left. It's so uninteresting "it's not funny."

    4. british people having pale skin is a stereotype. And you seem to be full of them. just goes to show how little you know about the outside world. I'm guessing your IQ is what... -3?

  2. #2
    Essendon Bomberz 93®
    Essendon Bomberz 93®'s Avatar
    What's the coincidence that you made this account a month after timothy posted the exact question.... Hi Tim!!, Long time no see.

    He is probably too much of a poof to deal with the injuries. Why wouldn't you like it? skiing?....is that even a sport?

    You never see yelling and screaming? I bet you see violence and killings, last time I checked 97 liverpool fans died because of a riot, no-one has died at an AFL match. HA!!!

    We are civilised, we don't need 6 foot high barb-wire fences to stop people killing players.

  3. #3
    bk25's Avatar
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    u must b rite bcos AFL is the biggest game in town [oz] and yes it worked u got others to bite lol now u wont feel so alone cheers

  4. #4
    Future Eagles Mummy!!
    Future Eagles Mummy!!'s Avatar
    I'll bet your little friend likes Harry Potter too....

    Anyway, just pop back to your soccer where everyone has to get caged in and the riot police have to patrol inside and outside the grounds. That sounds much more civilised to me than a few people yelling (it is sport for crying out loud!)

    And you know what? I am sure there are bogans who follow Aussie Rules. As there are supporting soccer, league, Union, cricket, golf, tennis etc etc etc. But who cares???

  5. #5
    Evil Green Chaomanda
    Evil Green Chaomanda's Avatar
    Im like you I live in london but when I went to queensland on holiday I was like 'wtf' lol

    it looks to be a modified version of gaelic football but yeah i'd never heard of it until I went to australia.

  6. #6
    Lemon Twist's Avatar
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    Never seen a Liverpool or Mank game? .... oh yeah - how's it go - "if you're not a mank, you're a wank". Never see that in soccer do you. Not if you've got your eyes, ears and mind closed.

    You're so damned impressive being over there and criticising from afar. Eton is it? But you wouldn't stereotype now would you - being so superior?

    If you had your answer - why ask the question? You've got your replies. Enjoy your stay in the good old home country. Do make it a long one won't you - and careful not to buise your tut-tut when you fall off your high horse won't you little queenie.

  7. #7
    SuperTroopah's Avatar
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    My god, this is just about the most pompous thing I've read on here in a while.What im confused about also is if you've even ever been to a soccer match over in England, theres about 50 times the swearing and yelling going on there, cockney soccer riot anyone? By the way, "I never really like hated AFL but neither did I like it lol" , looks as if your well and truly on the road to becoming a bogan anyway..

  8. #8
    that's strange... you were originally from Victoria, yet you claim to have never heard of the term "bogan".... this story has more holes than a cheese grater. (a cheese grater has alot of holes. just letting u know, incase u didnt catch on. you seem to be the slow type)

  9. #9
    Glenns Brown eyed girl
    Glenns Brown eyed girl's Avatar
    are you talking about Big Kev or Black Diamond or Mr Prime Minister or they call me daryl (clone) or the Enforcer AKA Crowboy 169 or Kashmir or Black Sabbath or 2 many to mention

    YES he is a BOGAN

  10. #10
    A rude English men? Well I never!!!

    Sorry mate but everyone country has idiots.

    AFL sucks tho and i'm aussie



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