Yesterday after eating lunch, my little brother was putting his dishes away. Thinking it would be funny, I took a ketchup bottle from the table and I told my brother "If you look at me, I'll die!" He started to laugh a little, while he was laughing I squirted a bunch of ketchup into my mouth. He turned and looked at me, I grabed my throat, and started moaning and shaking and slowly drooling the ketchup out of my mouth. I fell on the floor, Took one hand off of my throat, reached in the air and started to grasp into the air, I started moving my legs around like I was in complete pain. While all of this was happening my little brother was standing there.. In complete shock. He wouldn't move while I made eye contact with him and widened my eyes and started moaning and saying "AUUURRRGHHAAAGHHH!" He mumbled something, opened his mouth and said "AAAH!!! MOMMY DADDY! HELP!!! MIKU IS DYING ON THE FLOOR BECAUSE I LOOKED AT HER!!" He ran out of the room, arms flailing and everything! My parents came in and punished me. They explained to my brother how I was just joking. While they were talking to him he was looking around eyes wide, still in shock. Even though my parents told him it was all a joke, every time he walks past me he'll put his hand next to his eye so he won't see me and mumble things to himself like "Don't look, or they'll die.. Don't look, Don't look" He also thinks that if anyone else looks at him and he makes eye contact, he'll die. He was pulled from school the other day because his teacher called on him for a question, and my brother started screaming "DON'T LOOK AT ME!!" And trying to get away from the teacher.

How do I get him to realize none of this is real?

(I had to delete my last question because people were being rude about it, I did NOT mean to put 'today' I meant to put 'Yesterday' don't get mad about me and critizise me because of that either because it's not like i'm the only one who axidently did that before !!! This is serious and I need real responces because every time I try to talk to him he won't look at me and won't pay attention, HE WON'T EVEN LOOK AT THE TV!!!!)