Dad died last year w/o a will,I'm the eldest son(32)and have 1/2 brother and sister both minors.Their mom passed away 5 years ago.The estate includes the house, according to the executor, the estate has to be split 3 ways.This is where it's complicated; normally the house would have been sold, assets split, and they live with me and my wife, but I fought to keep it for them, and we moved into dad's house. From what I understand, the courts wouldn't want to put the house in the 3 of our names b/c they're minors and we'd be "tenants in common", it gets complicated that way;so what's happening is the house is going in my sisters name,and she will be buying my brother and myself out(using money from her trust setup by her mom before she passed).Now, family has been saying it's their house and I shouldn't have anything to do with it, and they got a lawyer now.I'm not an estranged brother/son, I've been active in their life,just didn't grow up in the house.Can they take away my inheritance?