I have one nero image file on my computer.So I want to burn it on to a CD in order to
make use of it.But Iam not sure whether it will work or not.If I'll burn it onto a CD and then
if it doesn't work then it would be a waste of my CD.I have already wasted two CD's before(The
whole space of CD was consumed and there was nothing to open).

So I want to ask whether I can give a try on a Rewritable CD?Suppose the CD doesn't work
after burning an Image file and the same situation occur as discussed above.

Can I erase the file that has been written on my CD and regain the original space?

What do you say?Iam leery about it.

Please help me.

Waiting for your expeditious reply.
Which site to use for Downloading?

Downloading Site 1

Downloading Site 2