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Thread: Where's Blake?

  1. #101

    Where's Blake?

    On 4/1/2011 10:23 AM, Nancy Young wrote:

    I recently took a one day seminar about this subject.Those voices in our
    heads are experiences from the past. The instructor called the voices
    our committee. You can change those voices with positive thinking. But
    it takes repetition of the positive voices to drown out the committee.

  2. #102

    Where's Blake?

    "Cheryl" wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...

    That is very interesting! Any other comments you could add about that?



  3. #103
    Sir Robin Hood's Avatar
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    Where's Blake?

    "Felice" wrote in news:[email protected]:

    I just came back from my GP, who also got the results from my hospital
    stay and checks. He was quite concerned about the H.pylori infection as
    (in his words), apart from being the major cause of ulcers, was also
    linked to causing Gatric Cancer.

    It's going to be interesting to see when the antibiotic course is
    finished, and I have the clearance from the Breath test, to see if I can
    eat red meat without spewing, and also be able to stomach red wine.

    Seems my "intolerance" to them may be directly linked to the H.pylori.

    Peter Lucas

    Nothing ever truely dies
    the Universe wastes nothing
    everything is simply... transformed

  4. #104

    Where's Blake?

    On Tue, 05 Apr 2011 06:07:59 GMT, "I'm back."

    What... the OP isn't six years old. Pretty spineless to be dishonest
    by sin of omission... normal mature adults expect to hear the truth,
    the whole truth, telling part truths makes one the worst kind of liar,
    especially about medical issues or they sure wouldn't post them
    here... only those pretending friendship or even concern sugar coat...
    most folks prefer to associate with people who are genuine...
    insinsereity is about the worst human condition there is. That's the
    main reason I often prefer the company of my cats. As I've said in
    the past, I can count my *friends* on the fingers of one hand... I
    have absolutely no desire to have a long list of good-time
    charlie/good-time girl associates... these types are morally bankrupt,
    a dime a dozen, cheap.... anytime you share your most profound
    thoughts with those phonies the best you can hope for is a kick in the

    Animal protein/fat triggers higher levels of stomach acid and alcohol
    is an irritant... may need to eliminate those at least until healing
    is completed and then partake in moderation. As we age we need to
    make lots of changes, especially in diet... I used to think I had a
    cast iron stomach, could eat hotter spicer food with the best, but no
    more. Gastric ulcers aren't anywhere as serious as they were in the
    past but continue having your doctor monitor with follow ups. Good

  5. #105

    Where's Blake?

    On Tue, 29 Mar 2011 11:35:08 -0500, .Stu wrote:

    I haven't figured out why you're a whipping boy. In fact, it seems
    like anyone who has a personal website (not blog) with their recipes
    on it becomes a whipping boy here. It's so predictable, it's weird.
    Jealousy, perhaps? So what if some of the recipes use Miracle Whip or
    Cool Whip? If you don't like a recipe, skip it. If you like the
    recipe and don't like an ingredient, substitute. Only certain posters
    here on rfc can't seem to figure out how to substitute home made
    mayonnaise for Miracle Whip or real whipped cream for Cool Whip and
    that shtick got old fast.


    Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.

  6. #106

    Where's Blake?

    On Tue, 29 Mar 2011 14:49:18 +0100, Ophelia wrote:

    an endoscopy has revealed that i have a couple of bleeding ulcers, which i
    suppose has contributed to my listless feeling.

    your pal,

  7. #107

    Where's Blake?

    Felice wrote:

    He's got a doctor, I'm sure he doesn't need rfc trying to scare him.

    I don't know why people love to pass along bad news. Reminds
    me of woman having their first baby being pelted with horror
    stories, what is up with that. Not helpful.


  8. #108

    Where's Blake?

    On 5/04/2011 2:07 PM, I'm back. wrote:

    Hey sorry you are in the 'not so good pile' Peter.

    I know we haven't chatted for a while but I am concerned that you have
    serious health problems.
    Maybe you shouldn't have eaten so much roadkill while in the SAS :-P
    sorry bad joke!
    Take care the universe is filled with love and goodness and it was a
    privillage to know you and call you a friend.




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