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  1. #11
    Nimiq 1
    Nimiq 1's Avatar

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    I have no Service Contract for the 6100.....lol

    And because I chose not to follow the letter of the service agreement on my other receivers, I got Express Vu a new customer.....lol

  2. #12
    dosborne's Avatar

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    Ok, but I did not, nor did about 12 other people I know. Doesn't really matter. I'm done with this topic

    I'm not disputing what is in the service agreement nor am I disputing that they may or may not call. It is an unreasonable expectation that they will cut service within 24 hours if you do not answer the phone. If they leave a message (if you have an answering machine) then they advise you to call back within 72 hours. It is also extremely unlikely that based on the frequency of calls that they would randomly call the weekend you happened to be away with the receiver.

    Can you imagine the number of complaints if every time you went out for 12 hours or more you came home to service that was cut off? How many customers do you think they'd have after that LOL.

    Never said it was hidden. It does piss people off though. I've had to waste my time twice running all over the house providing the info.

    I've said what I want to say. You can believe me or not, I don't really care. I am just presenting a "real world" view as opposed to the "EV-centric" view. The question was "Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite" to which the answer is "yes" but it goes against the contract that you (may or may not have) signed.

  3. #13
    HDTV101's Avatar

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    What I have noticed by looking at the 3100's system info screen is a parameter called "Last Contact" this is the last time it was instructed to call Bell to let them know it's in your home on your phone line. I've noticed this date changes ever 2 months... so it only calls home every 2 months! Only when I ordered PPV Boxing did I notice it calling out right away to report the $44.95 purchase. So theoretically you could take the receiver to the cottage or campsite for the summer and not have it connected to a phone line for some time without having any problem just don't order PPV... that might cause a problem.

  4. #14

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    Getting "real" is that the Nimiq satellites are not on the FCCs Permitted Space Station List:

    Earth stations located in the US are simply not allowed to access those satellites for any service whatsoever. Period. BEV is simply following the rules.

    While the Anik satellites are on that list you'll notice the first caveat:
    "Telesat Canada is not authorized to use ANIK F1R to provide any Direct-to-Home (DTH) service, Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) service, or Digital Audio Radio Service (DARS) to, from, or within the United States."

    Why Starchoice is more tolerant of customers using their service from the US than BEV most likely comes down to policy from upper management. Not from call centre agents. Agent Express V is simply stating BEV policy on the subject (I don't think he's even mentioned his personal opinion on the policy).

    One of the nice things about this site is that there are a few insiders here that share what information they can. What's the point in launching a personal attack on them simply for stating their companies policy?

  5. #15
    Nimiq 1
    Nimiq 1's Avatar

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    I am going away this weekend and I WILL be taking a 5900 with me. I will also take a Tripod and Dish, I do not want to miss the F1 race from Silverstone.

    I WILL NOT be calling to "disconnect" my other receivers at home as I do not see it being necessary, there will be no-one in my house all the time I am away, therefore I am NOT watching paid for programming in 2 locations, therefore I am doing nothing wrong.

    And just a correction for "barter", the Location ID CAN be changed by Express Vu, they will do it whilst you are on the phone with them when they call to "Inventory" the receivers......They did it with me recently.

  6. #16
    mtl99's Avatar

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    hi i'm new to the sat thing anyway here's my?
    my grandad bought the bell expressvu 3100 with 4 receivers and he wants to bring one to the camp so what does he need to do buy just a dish? and can he use the same receive he has in the city to bring up to the camp? or does he have to buy a new system? thanks for the help mtl99.

  7. #17
    Ex Agent EV
    Ex Agent EV's Avatar

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    Dn't ko where you took that lette from, but Icold confirm that CRTC does forces Express Vu to enforce the cottage policy.

    Call the CRTC they will let you know...they acted that way following a clim from cable saying this is unfair competition

    That polcy should alo be applied by Star Choce, but they decided to go against te CRTC an ignore it

  8. #18
    Nimiq 1
    Nimiq 1's Avatar

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    Firstly, how would the SAT department know I moved the receiver.?

    Secondly, if I am away for the weekend they CANNOT get an answer on my home telephone. As soon as I arrive home the receiver is back in the spare room.

    As I have a 9200, 5200, 3200, 5900 and a 6100 on my account, I ALREADY get the damned annoying calls.

    I just take my time and keep them on-line for 35 to 40 minutes while I walk around the house getting the Location ID #'s. I almost always get 1 digit wrong on 2 receivers to slow down the process, if they want to waste my time, I will in turn waste theirs.....

    No big deal, I call them when it is convenient for me, not when it is convenient for them.

  9. #19
    Jcm's Avatar

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    Oct 2009

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    So what you are saying is that Bell is enforcing US laws (not Canadian) when the US Police or US satellite providers don't care.
    Or as the CRTC says it is Bell's business policy.
    It is time they went out of business or go to Cuba or Communist China.

  10. #20
    ltldevl's Avatar

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    So as long as you are the owner of the 2 locations, you can have receivers at either place without paying additional cost (asside from rental of the receivers if you choose to go that route)?



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