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  1. #11

    Rebellious Goth characters who got on your nervs..

    Yeah. I didn't want to fly off the handle. I'm sorry.

  2. #12

    Rebellious Goth characters who got on your nervs..

    Personally I like Raven, Given she has more character Development in the Comics then the series, but hey, she's still pretty cool.

    I agree on the Sam thing, she seemed Really Generic to me,,,

    & Rattis, I highly DOUBT you can find 20 gothic girls with super power, but if you could....THAT WOULD BE AWSOME!!! (Yes im being serious.)

    BOT: I can't really think of anyone else at the moment.:sweat:

  3. #13

    Rebellious Goth characters who got on your nervs..

    I too went through a phase of disliking Raven from Teen Titans: TAS. However, it wasn't the character herself who annoyed me (Raven was never my favorite Titan, mind you, but I never hated her either), it was more the character's annoying fan base, and before someone gets out the tar and feathers, allow me to clarify:

    Like Batman and Wolverine, Raven has a certain sect of hardcore fans who regard Raven as being either a) a goddess who can defeat any and every foe that was placed in front of her, or b) the only good character in the series. Neither of which is correct. So to clarify, it's the rabid Raven fanboy/fangirlism that annoys me, rather than the character herself. I don't hate Raven or even dislike her; there are just other Titans like Starfire and Robin, that I like more than Raven.

    I hope that clears things up.

  4. #14

    Rebellious Goth characters who got on your nervs..

    I get the distinct feeling that the OP only created the thread to whine about Sam Manson. I'm not in the wrong about this, am I?

  5. #15

    Rebellious Goth characters who got on your nervs..

    I agree. TT really destroyed Raven's character when they translated it from the comics to the cartoon (as well as Starfire's), another reason I didn't care for the show.

  6. #16

    Rebellious Goth characters who got on your nervs..

    Why would you want to shoot a fictional character?

  7. #17

    Rebellious Goth characters who got on your nervs..

    When I saw the name of the thread I thought immediately that Sam was going to be the target of it. Sure, she had a couple hypocritical moments, especially early in the show, and yeah, she may not be fully Goth (which you probably couldn't do in a kids show of that style), but I don't understand why she gets so much hate from people. Sam wasn't a bad character and she served a major purpose, unlike other characters tied into the main cast (looking at you, Tucker). Oh also, in the show, SHE'S 14! She can be a little childish and immature, because she still is a kid.

    And any complaints about her character becoming Sue-ish in season 3 I blame on the rush to finish the show and tie up losse ends before it got canned.

  8. #18
    knapp's Avatar

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    Rebellious Goth characters who got on your nervs..

    I think your analysis is spot-on, though I slightly disagree with your assessment of Tucker. He was there to do anything that revolved around computers or electronics, so Danny could continue to be a C- student.

  9. #19

    Rebellious Goth characters who got on your nervs..

    I like Raven on Teen Titans. I always thought that her Goth persona had more to do with her power - that she has to keep her feelings under tight control or else bad things happen - rather than as a phony self-indulgent self-pitying cynical attitude.

    As for Sam Manson, first of all her last name always irked me; was it really supposed to be a shout-out to Charles Manson (as I've been told)? If so, it's in horribly bad taste. Secondly, she was never a true Goth except in dress, and I took her clothing choices to be an act of rebellion. So yeah, she was a bit of a phony. Third, she was a preachy nagging pain at times, for more worthy of the "nag" label than Butch Hartman's other main female character. So overall, I found her only slightly less annoying than the show's main character (but then, the only good character in Danny Phantom IMO is the villain; none of the good guys ever interested or entertained me the way Vlad did).

    Gwen in Total Drama Island is just a stereotype for the most part. The only time she became somewhat likable was when she was slowly won over by Geoff's enthusiasm for life. Otherwise she's blah.

  10. #20

    Rebellious Goth characters who got on your nervs..

    Raven was damn near a Mary Sue in the original comics (and I don't throw that term around lightly!) Not to mention whiny as heck. The show's Raven's character only really faltered a few times like Season 3 or that Tokyo movie. But otherwise she's, IMHO, superior to the original character in just about every way. :raven:

    Starfire's debatable. I feel that there was nothing inheritely wrong with the show's character, but they did do a bad job developing her as the show went on (no season arc was dedicated to her, and her naivete about the ways of Earth stayed the same when it should have gotten better.) So yeah, I'm kinda torn on Star.

    Yes, that's exactly it. Though I think some of her gloominess and cyncism is genuine. Judging by the "origin episode", she seemed to be more shy at first and developed that attitude because Beast Boy began to annoy her so much.

    Er, aren't ALL the TDI characters stereotypes?



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