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  1. #11
    x_silversurfer's Avatar

    A space anime movie...

    I guess we all need help from time to time... hah...

    Here's the facts (based off of Dormcat's message):

    1) Approximate time and place you watched this title. If it was on TV, airing hour is appreciated.
    **It is roughly more then 6 years old.

    2) Video format. Was it on TV, in a movie theater, or on a video? If it's video-based, was it VHS or DVD?
    **VHS, and it is a movie, not a series

    3) Audio and/or subtitle language(s).
    **Japanese w/ English subs

    4) A brief description of the story, including its genre and background settings.
    **It is an alternate timeline sort of movie that takes place around the 1950s or '60s. It is about Japan flying a shuttle into space (I believe that they are like the first ones to do so, in the world). It follows the pilots' stories as they train up to pilot this shuttle and go into space.

    5) Data on protagonist(s). Name, age, gender, race, most and least favorite(s), equipments, etc.
    **The pilots are all male, adult and Japanese. I don't remember much about them other then the fact that they are in space suits a lot of the time, and there is one man who has a relationship with a woman who I believe wears a kimono.

    6) Anything else distinctive and special enough that you've never seen in other anime titles, like mascots, special abilities, special equipments, martial art styles, etc.
    **Other then all the aformentioned stuff, I really have nothing else to go on. I know the cover of the VHS has something like a man in a space suit with the Earth kind of overlaping his helmet and space above that (I think).

    Please help! I had this flashback just a few moments ago reminding me of the movie, and it's going to kill me until I know what it is called! Thanks a million!


  2. #12
    PantsGoblin's Avatar

    General Anime Questions

    Quote Originally Posted by WesW
    Quote Originally Posted by PantsGoblin
    @WesW: They're just different styles. I suppose Clamp's style is more "shoujo" like, which does seem to have a certain look. Other then that, no specific names I know of.
    Ok, thanks. Btw, thanks for the link to outpost nine that you posted in a thread on Japanese racism a couple of months ago. I spent most of that weekend reading the author's diary of his student teaching experiences. As my interest in anime has grown, so has my desire to learn about Japanese culture, and real-life experiences like his are one of the best ways to do so.
    I know it's kind of odd to make a thank you this long after the fact, but that link is typical of your generosity here, and people like you are what make forums worth visiting. Just wanted you to know.
    Well, I appretiate the compliment, but uh, I don't think that was me. I mean, I know about that site, but I don't remember ever linking to it. Maybe you're thinking of shirokiryuu?

  3. #13
    Stellarleen's Avatar

    [ATTN] General Anime Questions

    I apologize if this question has already been asked/answered; I did not read through this entire thread. Anyway I have watched s-CRY-ed twice now (on Cartoon Network). I was wondering what the title means. If they mentioned it in the series, I missed it. Also, how do you pronounce it.... Is it s-cry-ed, or do you say it all together, like 'skrid or skred'?

  4. #14
    Zalis116's Avatar

    [ATTN] General Anime Questions

    Quote Originally Posted by Stellarleen
    I apologize if this question has already been asked/answered; I did not read through this entire thread. Anyway I have watched s-CRY-ed twice now (on Cartoon Network). I was wondering what the title means. If they mentioned it in the series, I missed it. Also, how do you pronounce it.... Is it s-cry-ed, or do you say it all together, like 'skrid or skred'?
    Going off the katakana in the title, スクライド [sukuraido], I'm going with "skried," one syllable, which rhymes with the word "cried." Actually, this title is based on a rather obscure English word, "scry," meaning "to see or predict the future by means of a crystal ball," and "scryed" is a form of that word. This may have something to do with the content of the series, since some people have paranormal abilities. (I haven't seen s-CRY-ed, so I don't really know.)

  5. #15
    Vortextk's Avatar

    General Anime Questions

    Just making sure...when you mention school girls ending sentences with gozaimasu, you mean because that's older than what they should say? Just making sure I understand the...phrase...particle...not quite sure =/, to be a way of adding a "very" meaning or formalizing other things such as Thank you or Good morning. (In japanese of course...I'm not going to bother putting them in romanji or hiragana since I have no idea where double consonants/vowels occur without knowing the word, so they'd be wrong anyway)

  6. #16
    Abunai's Avatar
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    General Anime Questions

    Quote Originally Posted by murph76
    Forgive me if this is an ignorant question, but are bentoos meant to be eaten warmed up or at room temperature?
    There's nothing wrong with ignorance. It can be cured for the price of a question.

    Bentou are not meant to be eaten warmed up, no. Room temperature is the norm.

    Quote Originally Posted by murph76
    Several different animes show bentoos being cooked in the morning, boxed up and wrapped in a cloth, and later being unwrapped and eaten as is. I would think the food stays fresh, but wouldn't it get cold and less desirable?
    Well, that's a matter of taste. The dishes in a bentou are not ones that require being warmed. Tamagoyaki, Japanese-style omelette roll, is one example. The little octopus wieners mentioned earlier in this thread are another. To Westerners, the idea of eating rice cold is probably strange, but it's the staple ingredient of nearly every bentou. The list goes on.

    As a Dane, I find this closely equivalent with the Danish way of making lunchboxes, composed of smørrebrød (open sandwiches) with various kinds of pålæg (toppings and spreads) on bread (usually rye bread). Unless it's horribly hot, such a lunchbox will keep fairly well for several hours (long enough to last until lunchtime). Most Danish schools have refrigerators for pupils' lunchboxes, though.

    - abunai

  7. #17
    Dark_Kazuma's Avatar

    General Anime Questions

    ok. why are some animes based on different mangas? Why are some of those manga based animes not go over the complete manga like angel sanctuary and others like that Why don't they finish the manga instead of just doing a little movie and thinking that will satisfy everyone by leaving them on a cliffhanger...

    When are some different animes going to be played?

  8. #18
    Cookie's Avatar
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    [ATTN] General Anime Questions

    Quote Originally Posted by otaku
    this is really a support question don't get me wrong anime is # 1 but were can i get one of the pictures on everyones text, thanks
    You probably mean "How do I get an avatar?"

    Anime News Network does not have any avatars on its website. Instead, you need to use your own webspace (or use someone else's, with their permission). It's a pretty simple process:

    1. Make an avatar (can be done with any common graphics editing software). The picture should be JPG or GIF, and should not exceed 80x80 pixels.
    2. Upload it to your webspace (note that Geocities and some other free webspace providers do not allow off-site linking, and thus your image will not display for others)
    3. Go to the edit profile page. Go to the bottom of the page and type in the URL of your image (such as http://www.someanimeserver.com/directory1/myavatar.gif) and press submit.

    Presto, you now have an avatar image just beneath your username.

  9. #19
    PantsGoblin's Avatar

    General Anime Questions

    Quote Originally Posted by frentymon
    Someone once told me that anime for many in Japan is an escape from the society in which they are expected to be respectful and polite. I'm not sure if this is true or not, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was so.
    True. I don't recall ever seeing any "crazy" or even mildly energetic people like in anime. Japanese people are very quiet, respectful, and polite. I actually fit in well with the people there since I'm generally very quiet. It was probably a nice change from the usual loud Americans that come there.

    Quote Originally Posted by selenta
    Or maybe you just weren't one of those kooky foreigners that spice up their otherwise boring life
    Hmm, I suppose you can look at it that way.

    When I was with a tour group in Japan, many of the people in the group were really loud. I remember one particular scene at a restaurant (Moss Burger I think, not exactly a high class place though) where everyone was pretty loud including making bodily noises (burping). Pretty much all of the Japanese there were looking at our table and giving us wierd looks (although I seemed to be the only one who cared...). I don't think they particularly appretiate it even at casual restaurants like that...

  10. #20
    WesW's Avatar

    [ATTN] General Anime Questions

    Are there names for the different animation styles used in anime? For example, GitS SAC tends to use a realistic style, CLAMP a pretty-boy style, and recently seeing Air and the way it animated the females got me to wondering. I realize that customized models are constructed in a series' development, I'm just wondering if the general styles have terms attached to them.

    Thanks for any help.



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