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  1. #11
    P Y R O
    P Y R O's Avatar

    "If you're so depressed, how come you're eating pizza?" - Movie Board Club #9

    Yeah, mukooh, I enjoy reading your posts... esp. coz it gives me more insight into movies I'll probably never see here in the Philippines. [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img]

  2. #12
    P Y R O
    P Y R O's Avatar

    "If you're so depressed, how come you're eating pizza?" - Movie Board Club #9

    Hey there.

    I haven't been watching movies lately (RL sucks!), so this may be brief.

    The last movies I caught were Scary Movie 3 and Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World. Scary Movie 3 was enjoyable, and quite funny. I was surprised it wasn't as gross (or as sexually explicit) as the first one. (I never caught the second one.) It was witty. I really enjoyed it. Master and Commander was a pretty good movie. It's definitely a manly flick. Paul Bettany was my favorite thing about it, as were those two young guys who were friends (I forgot their names). Russell Crowe was more understated here than in previous performances, which is good, but not really noteworthy; he didn't seem as "into" his character as in, say, Gladiator or A Beautiful Mind. But that's just me.

    The next movie I'm scheduled to catch in theaters is Mystic River (out starting today!). I'm stoked about it, and I hope it's as good as the hype.

    I've also been going through, uhh, bootlegs recently, to aid in the nomination process for the FFMAs (check out that thread, please?). I picked up Bend It Like Beckham, City of God, and Seabiscuit. All three look promising (based on the first 10 or so minutes) and I'm excited about watching the whole movie. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

  3. #13
    P Y R O
    P Y R O's Avatar

    "If you're so depressed, how come you're eating pizza?" - Movie Board Club #9

    I'm willing to do that.

    I'll be happy with a limited release (which they did with Under the Tuscan Sun, Seabiscuit (you'd think this would get a wider release), and Calendar Girls). [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

    Lemme finish school first. [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img]

  4. #14
    mukooh's Avatar

    "If you're so depressed, how come you're eating pizza?" - Movie Board Club #9

    hi........does anyone here see a film without knowing anything or hardly anything about that film? i do...it's like when i use to buy cd's...if i read a good review about a group or a particular type of music i'd buy that cd, sound unheard......surprisingly with good results most of the time......with movies i find myself doing the same thing now...with mixed results...anyway here's 3 films that i went to see without knowing anything or very little about.....

    'mga munting tinig' (small voices) the phillipines entry for the 2003 academy awards for foreign film.....a young, recently graduated teacher goes into the country to educate the children at a primary school and runs into indifference and corruption among other things....my thoughts are it was just ok as a film....a better movie with similiar themes is 'yi ge dou bu neng shao' (not one less) by the great chinese director yimou zhang.....

    'girls will be girls'....drag queens playing women.....a loose plot about girls trying to break into show business among other things..i've seen better shows at finocchio's in san francisco.....

    'the returner'.....from japan....a young girl from the future goes back in time to 2002 to stop the world from being invaded by aliens....a mix mash of alot of different ideas with some matrix like effects....again not very good.....

    oh well 3 out 3 weren't that good...but i'm still willing to take chances....so.......

    here's 3 films that i saw where i did know something about them....

    'wonderland'....it's based on true events that took place in los angeles in 1981.....the film is basically about drugs and revenge murders.....(wonderland is the name of the street that these murders took place on)...the movie is told in different versions from the people involved (ala '[b]rash

  5. #15
    mukooh's Avatar

    "If you're so depressed, how come you're eating pizza?" - Movie Board Club #9

    i saw the trailer the other day....and it looks like it will be coming to the university "art house" theater within the next couple of weeks barring the unforseen......anyway i'll take your recommendation and see it....i'm afraid the last film that i saw from the philippines was 'mga munting tinig' (released here as 'small voices') which was just ok.....

    i'll mention only one film that i've seen lately because i believe it's worthy of mention.....that film is 'the dreamers'.......the premise...a young american is in france to learn french....he meets a brother and sister, fraternal twins, who are involved in an incestuous relationship....they invite the young man to move into their apartment during the month their parents are away.....it's set in 1968 during the student riots in paris........60's music...hendrix and joplin...the movie is directed by bernardo bertolucci who 30 years ago directed 'ultimo tango a parigi' ('last tango in paris')....this movie is rated nc-17 for among things....full frontal nudity, male and female (these are some good looking people too [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img])....after watching this movie i wasn't quite sure if i liked it...but in retrospect the film seems to have grown on me and i've come to like it more and more........i've included a theatrical trailer to the film.....

    trailer here

    "if there's a way to saying "i love you" without saying it-that's film" - buster keaton

  6. #16
    shrrshrr's Avatar

    "If you're so depressed, how come you're eating pizza?" - Movie Board Club #9

    PVCscully - I would brave the NYC summer heat/humidity/storms to sit outside the stage doors if I thought I could have a conversation with him, however brief. Go for it!

    Petaluma Jewish chicken farms? Interesting... We used to have a beach property right outside of Petaluma, and I remember the chicken farms, but I don't think I knew they were Jewish. Brings to mind all these questions about Kosher practices, and the like.

    I made myself watch No Man's Land, and while it was predictable, and rather melancholy, it was still worthwhile. The trailer makes it look like it's going to be more satirically funny than it is - it's a much more serious film than initially presented. Plus, it's just plain...cynical. Which, I guess, is not really surprising, given the subject matter.

  7. #17
    shrrshrr's Avatar

    "If you're so depressed, how come you're eating pizza?" - Movie Board Club #9

    Oh - well that makes a lot of sense! I didn't know that (and I don't remember your mentioning it).

    How sad - looks like this thread is dying and all the posters are gone. [img]smilies/cry.gif[/img]

    I've been watching a ton of films - loved Me Without You, did not like Y Tu Mama Tambien (what was all the hype about, anyway? It was just mediocre at best), and found Talk To Her to be extremely thought provoking.

    I also say Pirates of the Caribbean, and thought it was an absolutely fabulous romp! Just what I would have wanted.

    On the other hand, I saw the original Ocean's Eleven, and with the exception of the final scene, wonder why they bothered? Yeah, sure, the Rat Pack was popular and all, and I'm sure that was the draw, but the movie was so unnecessarily long that it lost me. It could have held me of the pacing had been better. And I just adore young Shirley McLain, so her cameo was definitely a highlight. Plus - Sammy can sing, which I'd completely forgotten. I'm going to see the remake to see how it compares.

    See - I told you I'd been watching a lot of films. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

    *sniffle* Where is everyone?

  8. #18
    mukooh's Avatar

    "If you're so depressed, how come you're eating pizza?" - Movie Board Club #9

    hi....thought i'd give the thread a "push".....sorry shrrshrr i thought you had mentioned on this thread that you'd seen 'swimming pool'....after you see it...reread my pm and tell me what you think....there's something else i'd like to ask you about this movie...in regards to 'lost in la mancha' i was thinking last last night that maybe the reason this film felt incomplete is because the documentary film makers ran out of money too...i think they were being paid off by terry gilliam.....(if the backers had owned it i don't think they would have allowed this movie to have been released because it would have been part of the total "package")....and with everything coming to halt on the "main" film the way it did there wasn't that much more for the documentary film makers to shoot.....i don't know if i explained that right...

    i saw a good film the other day, i liked it anyway...it's called 'the cuckoo'.....as my mother used to say the ending was kind of "hokey" but it worked for me...and i walked out of the film feeling good....short synopsis (no spoilers).....

    in world war 2 this film creates the unlikeliest of bonds (between three different people of three different cultures, speaking three different languages.) comic and sometimes tragic, misunderstanding soon arise resulting in a passionate and very human three-way relationship....

    ...this is one of my favorite times of the year....the obon festivals have started..this saturday, with family and friends, i'm going up to the temple to dance and celebrate...

    Obon is a Japanese Buddhist festival usually held in mid-July or August for a week and is a time when the souls of dead ancestors are supposed to return home for three days. In particular, prayers are said for anyone who has died in the previous year as it is believed that they need more guidance to find their way. The festival has been held since the 7th century although many of the events have changed and it is one of the most significant and enjoyable of the Japanese festivals. It goes by a variety of names, the most popular of which is "The Festival or Feast of the Dead".

    During the celebratory week of Obon, bright red lanterns are hung everywhere. In actual fact, these lanterns were originally to guide the dead spirits home from the spirit world and then back again, but they are usually lit at night for the festival dances.

    The celebrations are held in the square, temple or a vacant block of each town. A temporary wooden tower is erected in the centre and, at the top of the tower, a taiko drummer plays. Sometimes this is a recording instead, but generally it's a real drummer. Large speakers at the top of the tower play special Obon music and men and women in 'yukata' or summer, cotton kimonos circle the tower dancing 'bonodori'.

    Bonodori are easy, rhythmic, repetitive dances. Each movement in the dance has a special significance such as digging, threshing wheat and so on. These dances are important because it is said they soothe the spirits of the dead during their visit. This type of dancing can be learned outside the Obon Festival but it is very simple to join in and pick it up as you go. It is worth noting that these traditional dances vary from district to district, as does the music.

    hope all is well with everyone..... [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

  9. #19
    AuburnGrad's Avatar

    "If you're so depressed, how come you're eating pizza?" - Movie Board Club #9

    This weekend I saw Unfaithful and The Ring.

    Unfaithful---I wasn't impressed much with the movie, itself; though, I was impressed with Diane Lane and Richard Gere. I thought both gave good performances.

    The Ring---I finally saw it, after much pressure from friends and students. I liked it. I knew absolutely nothing about it going in, so I thoroughly enjoyed its creepiness. I plan to add The Ringu to my Netflix list.

    Tonight I'm going to watch (if I have time) The Count of Monte Cristo.

  10. #20
    RockStar's Avatar
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    "If you're so depressed, how come you're eating pizza?" - Movie Board Club #9

    I always enjoyed reading this. It reminded me of going to school and just talking movies all day, jumping from movie to movie, topic to topic. Who needs classes, anyway? We even managed to have teachers caught up in the discussion. Hehe.



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