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  1. #21
    I_Want_My_HDTV's Avatar

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    Sounds like FUD to me. Yeah, that's right, put the fear of the big EV god into the customer and everything will be alright. This sounds like harassment of honest people to me. Just presume that the customer is guilty and must prove their innocence or be punished. Big brother is watching YOU!

    Never mind that EV's arrogance and incompetence has created up to a million signal pirates and millions more unsatisfied customers.

  2. #22
    Ex Agent EV
    Ex Agent EV's Avatar

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    You know so well what I mean...but you so much want to pick a fight that you will find every possible way to sound like you don't

    Get to work...I booked a few moves last week that needs to get done!

  3. #23
    Jcm's Avatar

    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    I don't mean to personaly attack but merely to expose them to "the other side" and not jut the brainwashing that they receive from above.
    Can you imangine the US police wasting the time to shut down all the Bell dishes in the USA and will the RCMP waste their time chasing all the users of Dish or Direct receivers traveling through Canada. Such threats are assinine and ridiculous. To state such shows the level of brainwashing and lack of ability to think for themselves.
    I found the info you posted interesting but dosn't it apply to C band dishes transmitting to a ground station (permanent installation) in the USA?
    Anyway - to think that Canadians can be kept behind the Rawhide curtain is ridiculous. Thank God that one Canadian provider is progressive and can think about helping their customers.
    Now I will go and watch HBO on my C band dish even if it is "illegal". PS it only takes a phone call to a 1-800 number to get these subscriptions in Canada.
    Lastly - do you know how to get 100 Canadians out of a swimming pool? Tell them to get out.
    The only problem is apathy but who cares.

  4. #24
    Ex Agent EV
    Ex Agent EV's Avatar

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    Thank you Hurricane...as you mention I never posted my personnal opinion about the policy, but just informed the poster of what the policy is.

    For JCM, the RCMP just a big bust in Quebec a few weeks ago, they seized several dish and receivers of Dish and Direct TV as well as illegal BEV receivers... I guess they care more than you taught

  5. #25
    starchoice's Avatar

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    Agent Express V, are you aware that Bell's signals are being pirated by a few people?

    I know that there are laws against theft and this may even be addressed in the satellite agreement which you occasionally reference. I may be wrong but I think that even the CRTC has had some things to say about it. Realistically, Bell's measures to address this have failed miserably (see separate thread). It has even been posted on this board that Bell does nothing when they get a report of people allegedly stealing signals.

  6. #26
    Ex Agent EV
    Ex Agent EV's Avatar

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    Also BEV as a cottage policy... You can not have receivers active at 2 different locations at the same time. If BEV finds you have receivers both at home and at a cottage they will deactivate the recivers at the other location immediatly.

  7. #27
    ltldevl's Avatar

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    Bell used to do this but "CAB" caused Bell to change. All because of the bloody cable companies.

  8. #28
    Boavista's Avatar

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    hehe Good job Nimiq1, show them whos the big boss here!!
    Hell, i take my IRD up to the cottage when ever i go, sometimes people r at home watch tv, sometimes there not. I couldnt care less. to be quite honest, i've even braught my IRD to a family members house for the weekend once.
    If bell wants to disconnect me.. GO AHEAD! ill go over to *c or Rogers, and ill put an FTA system at the cottage instead if bev would prefer that.

  9. #29
    IronWilliamCash's Avatar

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    Bell's response would be to start another account and pay in double. But in fact you could get another dish and plug that reciever at the camp. Bell will not sell you a second dish though. You can try and get one off ebay or someone you know. If not, the way to get one from bell is telling them yours is broken ( a tree fell on it always makes a good excuse ). In a special case like this they will sell you another for 99$ and you'll probably need an lnb also so tell them the tree broke that too and they go for about 90$ I believe. After that jsut hook everything up at the camp and never tell bell they are not in only one location.

  10. #30
    I_Want_My_HDTV's Avatar

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    That is the fault of the CRTC. EV doesn't need to buy into the ruling hook, line and sinker. I also wonder just how much EV fought the cable companies. I'll bet they were just thinking of the cost savings and extra revenue they would make due to a ruling in favour of the cable companies. At least *C recognizes the traditional rights of it's customers instead of forcing new policies down their throats.

    What if EV went to the CRTC and asked that cable companies stop delivering VOD. The argument is that VOD cannot be delivered by satellite so it is an unfair advantage for the cable companies. It would be laughed out of the room. Delivering TV to customers that own multiple residences or even mobile residences is a technical advantage of satellite, just like VOD is a technical advantage of cable. Score one FUD win for cable and one KO for EV.

    I really have to wonder how much EV really cares about the rights of its customers. They are continually trampling customer rights by performing simsubs against CRTC guidelines and destroying the signals they deliver through technical incompetence. When I first subscribed, EV delivered the best HD signal of any service. Now they are the worst by far due to their questionable practices that trample the rights of viewers to receive the signals they pay for intact. It's getting so I hate to tune into a network HD program because I don't know who is going to screw up the transmission first, the network or EV. These is not the actions of an "HD leader." They are more like a company out of control and out of touch with their customers. Here again, *C is taking the lead over EV.



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