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  1. #11
    Belial's Avatar
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    Untouchable (Logan/Marie - X-Men) #7: B/C they'll be all over each other in the next film

    Right now I haven't heard anything but since the last one made money I think they will eventually do another one. At least I hope they will. I would like them to give Rogue a bigger storyline though if they do. Plus I would like Garabit to be introduce to x - men. I miss him in the movies. I love W/R but I love the Garabit character. If we could have Wolverine a little jealous of Rogue/Garabit even better.


  2. #12
    Gooofer's Avatar
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    Untouchable (Logan/Marie - X-Men) #7: B/C they'll be all over each other in the next film

    I started an LJ for the same reason, Denise :lol:

    Yeah, it's sad that there's still no Marie on the show I really hope she comes back soon.

    Oh, I didn't know it was Hugh's birthday yesterday! ops: Happy belated birthday, Hugh! :birthday:

  3. #13
    D37's Avatar
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    Untouchable (Logan/Marie - X-Men) #7: B/C they'll be all over each other in the next film

    :love: Welcome to the Logan/Marie aka Wolverine/Rogue Appreciation Thread :love:

    Banner by dark_red (chicq)

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    Untouchables List

    Blueschild007 (Julie)
    ANGELforBUFFY (Angie)
    Rainstorm18 (Jenny)
    Dreamer who loves candy
    Something Dramatic
    Sark and Draco Lover (Jess)
    Naive Girl (Suzy)
    Niblet (Allie)
    Hawthorn (Francesca)
    Firestar007 (Liz)
    KervyQT16 (Mandy)
    nemapasara (Maria)
    lizzy13132003 (Lizzy)
    dark_red (chicq)
    Calgaryfan2006 (Chrissy)
    paire (Joanna)
    Oldrguy (Evan)
    Imogen Morley
    Titch22 (Fay)
    Evil Cherry (Mélisse)
    Elenwyn (Ellie)
    RavishMe (Lily)
    speechless1021 (Tracy)
    Bell3_r@inboW (Belle)

    Why we love them

    01) Because he noticed her in the crowd
    02) Because she saved his life
    03) Because she asked "does it hurt"
    04) Because what kind of name is Rogue?
    05) Because what kind of name is Wolverine?
    06) Because he's the only one that calls her Marie
    07) Because she's the first person he's cared about in a long time
    08) Because he found her. Twice.
    09) Because he'll take care of her
    10) Because he promised
    11) Because she believes him
    12) Because she tried to wake him from his nightmares
    13) Because she didn't want to hurt him
    14) Because he was willing to give his life for her
    15) Because soon she will not be a kid anymore
    16) Because Bobby is jealous of him
    17) Because he was in her head
    18) Because he'll come back. He'll come back to her always.
    19) Because he saved her life
    20) Because Rogue sleeps with the army tag
    21) Because their touch is deadly... and healing at the same time.
    22) Because he's not her father
    23) Because she took on a few of his qualities
    24) Because she has a crush on him
    25) Because his trailer looked cozy
    26) Because she didn't prefer the road
    27) Because they were alone but found solace and love in each other
    28) Because she isn't scared of him. Or he of her.
    29) Because he wanted her to warm her hanRAB
    30) Because it was nothing personal
    31) Because she wants him to wear a seatbelt
    32) Because they understand each other better than anyone
    33) Because he knew Rogue was gone even before Xavier
    34) Because when he came back, Rogue completely forgot about Bobby
    35) Because they are bound by the green hoodie connection

    Wolverine/Rogue Soundtrack

    Konstantine - Something Corporate
    Hear Me - Kelly Clarkson
    Anna Begins - Counting Crows
    Love Profusion - Madonna
    Untouchable Face - Ani Difranco
    My Immortal - Evanescence
    Iris - Goo Goo Dolls
    Honestly OK - Dido
    Belief - Gavin DeGraw
    Song for a Winter's Night - Sarah McLachlan
    A Thousand Years - Sting
    Haunted - Poe
    Can I Reach You - Noa
    Poison - Alice Cooper
    Superhero - Collapsis
    The Fragile - Nine Inch Nails
    Closer to You - Wallflowers
    Look After You - The Fray

    Quotes about Logan/Marie

    "Paquin and Jackman have excellent chemistry together, and their scenes inject warmth and actual human connection into the film." ~ DJ at the Movies

    "All of the crucial plot elements are there -- action, suspense, wit, and a love triangle. Rogue (Anna Paquin) and Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) are the main players of the film, and they explode on screen."

    "As the lead players, Paquin and Jackman do a great job. [...] In fact, Rogue and Wolverine dominate the movie so much that they seem to share far more chemistry than even X-Men’s star couple, Cyclops and Jean Grey." ~ Film Review HHH

    "[Hugh Jackman] captures Wolverine's coiled rage and snarky attitude, evident in pointed exchanges with Marsden's Cyclops. At the same time, he convincingly portrays Logan's awkward tenderness toward Rogue." ~ SciFi.com

    "I think the greatest success of X-Men is its main characters (Wolverine, played by Hugh Jackman, and Rogue, played by Anna Paquin), which provide some of the most tangibly emotional scenes in any film released this year. Any one scene between Jackman and Paquin has more electricity than anything in The Patriot and The Perfect Storm corabined. [...] Their scenes together have a wonderfully complex feel to them; a barely- harnessed sexual attraction corabined with each of their heavily-loaded emotional baggage. Both Wolverine's anger and frustration at his unclear past and Rogue's fear and loathing of a power she can't understand or control come through, clear as a bell, and Singer guides these two fine performers along that tightrope without ever letting them take a misstep." ~ FilmScoreMonthly.com

    "Wolverine is the no-nonsense action mutant at the center of this particular narrative, and Jackman's bravado has on-screen charisma to burn. But the scenes in which Wolvie and runaway teenager Rogue talk tenderly (denoting true sexless love between misunderstood souls) are tremendous. The burden that is being who they are is framed perfectly via flasrabroadack scenes that set up the lifetime of emotional scarring they've gone through (particularly Paquin's reaction to her first kiss)." ~ PSX Nation

    "What makes X-men an enjoyable film is the really fine work from many of the actors. I was particularly impressed with Hugh Jackman's performance as Wolverine and Anna Paquin's performance as Rogue. It is through the relationship of those two vital characters that X-men tells its story."

    "Another highlight among the special features is the screen test for Hugh Jackman. It's a great scene (albeit too short) with him and Anna Paquin. In the movie there's such great chemistry between the two actors, it's nice getting a peek into the early stages of that relationship." ~ DVD Talk

    "Rogue (Anna Paquin) and Iceman are an item, but Rogue is still in love with Wolverine. Unfortunately, Rogue and Iceman still haven't figured out a way for them to touch without her stealing his powers and injuring him. Talk about sexual frustration!" ~ Epinions.com

    "An outcast in the 'normal' world, Rogue takes to the road, finRAB Wolverine, wins a permanent place in his heart, and eventually seeks refuge at Xavier's School for Gifted Children." ~ Genome News Network

    "In Bryan Singers (sic) version of the X-Men, Rogue finRAB salvation in the frienRABhip with Wolverine/Logan who brings her to Professors Xavier's mutant school where she learns to live with her super powers. The crush she develops on Wolverine in the movie has certainly spilled over into real life." ~ Unreel

    "Even the morally simplistic X-Men thrilled with the erotic charge created by mercilessly rubbing the adolescent Paquin up against grizzly middle-aged predator Wolverine (Hugh Jackman). In several scenes blatant sexual metaphor mixes freely with the surface drama i.e. Rogue sneaks into Wolverine's bedroom at night, in a clingy white nuraber, only to be brutally impaled on the sweaty man-beast's, er, spikes. She saves herself from certain death by ahem, sucking the healing power out of him." ~ i-D Magazine, quoted at Anna Paquin Online

    "Equally significant, she has moved on, romantically. 'In the first film, Rogue was infatuated with Wolverine – they had a bond as he had saved her life,' says Paquin." ~ Mooviees!

    Banner by Emelie



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