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  1. #21
    me say hihi!'s Avatar
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    Are the Biblical Faiths the ONLY religions on the planet?

    Except that you regularly call people who aren't atheists to be atheists because they disagree with you.

    Do you reject that you have regularly called both TQ and I atheists despite neither of us being atheists? Do you reject constantly lumping me and TQ with others in your insults of Godless and Heathens? How about calling me and TQ "spiritually dead?" Why did you call Shadowpikachu and Mathew "not Christians?"

    So how about you stop calling non-atheists atheists merely because they disagree with you?

    Btw, the Shintos think you're ****ed in the afterlife. Prove them wrong.

  2. #22
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    Are the Biblical Faiths the ONLY religions on the planet?

    Hi marc, thanks for contributing, but as you can see from tq's reply, that you are wasting your time trying to reason with these schmucks. They don't even know the difference between an atheist and idolatry for them to claim that I believe that someone who doesn't believe in the christian belief system, but does believe in another religion is an atheist rather than an idolater. It boggles the mind, the degree of ignorance these people represent.

    Oh, and they aren't getting to me. I'm actually embarrassed for them. But thanks for popping in. :xhoho:

  3. #23
    putnis's Avatar
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    Are the Biblical Faiths the ONLY religions on the planet?

    Uh, it means a lot of what I said is true, and you can't address it. :idea:

    But you never debate them on other thoughts and beliefs. Christians every thought and belief is constantly dissected here, with the divisions drawn exactly as I described.

    He doesn't provide evidence for anything but. Nice try at changing the subject too.

    So you answer a question with a question? I'm a Missouri Synod Lutheran. Still waiting for your answer. About a year ago you put in big huge bold letters that you're not an atheist. Just can't disclose what you are, can you?

  4. #24
    Borntofarm's Avatar
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    Are the Biblical Faiths the ONLY religions on the planet?

    Yes. Several times. The cowardly YECs didn't even try to post. I argued that Norse creation was correct. Didn't get a peep. Remember that YEC is dependent upon a false dichotomy. Its sole argument is that evolution is wrong therefore it is correct (if sky is not orange, it is pink). But in place of evolution, another religion who's basis is more or the less the same as YEC, YEC has no argument. Remember that YEC under no circumstances can ever prove itself correct. Archie today just argued the flood was correct despite failing to deal with the massive problem of water, heat and the required sediment to place animals under miles of rock in a mere year across the globe. The belief doesn't make sense on its own, and when it does not have its false dichotomy, it flees.

  5. #25
    Zulfiqar Z's Avatar
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    Are the Biblical Faiths the ONLY religions on the planet?

    Your original challenge in this thread was to look through every post on the forum, and to find any examples of a "statement being directly made or even implied by any member that unless one accept the christian version of events, then they are atheists". That challenge did not require the conversation to be directly talking about the matter as the main topic of the thread, nor did it require a direct statement such as "That Muslim is an atheist". All it needed was an implication to be made. And you have made several.

    If, in the gun control forum, I was to say that "treating the Constitution like it's been set in stone is akin to a YEC's scripture-worship", you could imply from that phrase that I consider Young Earth Creationists to worship scripture. That would not have been the topic of the thread, or even of the post - it's the gun control forum, after all - but the implication would still have been there. In the same way, you haven't posted specifically about non-believer atheists, but implications can be drawn directly from your posts. You challenged someone to find such implications, I found them.

    Unless you would like to provide the appropriate context of your quotes?

    ...actually, from what I can remember the last time we had a non-Christian religion discussed on the boarRAB, Archangel attacked them as much as the atheists, agnostics etc did. Eanassir.

    It doesn't happen that often, however, because the boarRAB are dominated by the Christian spectrum. On other boarRAB I've visited where members have more varied beliefs, they equally get called into question by everyone else. Even on these forums, it's not uncommon to see two different branches of Christianity 'team up with the atheists' on a particular point.

    This may be true, but it is irrelevant. We aren't talking about the influence of non-Christian religion, just it's existence.


    Flying Spaghetti Monster not accepted, as it's a thought experiment and famously so.

    Ironically, I made one about 20 hours ago.
    I wouldn't say I debate in the same style as the other two (TQ & OC) - in fact, I'm not a fan of confrontational debating at all (with the odd exception). However, I certainly class myself as an agnostic.

  6. #26

    Are the Biblical Faiths the ONLY religions on the planet?

    Not when you take in to account that marc has the same ideas as Archie.

    Notice he "forgets" that Mathew and Shadow never get the kind of XXXX that him and Archie do. Simple, because Marc like Archie believe if you disagree, you're an atheist. Remember Marc called himself an atheist when he said that the Jewish family who sued to remove the Cross from state land were atheists. Remember, we're not dealing with intelligent people here.

  7. #27
    AFL Fanatic's Avatar
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    Are the Biblical Faiths the ONLY religions on the planet?

    ...that's what I've been doing. If first quoted it in my first post in this thread, and I just posted it in my previous one. I'll quote it again for you:

    Then add to that more recent quotes of yours, that you thought TQ was an atheist because he completely rejects the concept of a living and personal God.

    That's three quotes. As explained many times before, these are examples of you stating that someone must be an atheist because they reject Christianity.

  8. #28
    enfriendemy's Avatar
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    Are the Biblical Faiths the ONLY religions on the planet?

    How typical from this corrupt member. Another thread based on a completely fallacious premise since not one quoted post can EVER be produced of any member, christian or otherwise EVER SAYING that unless someone accepts or believes in the christian God, or the christian version of events, then they are atheists.

    Once again this troll is dishonestly forming an argument not based on what somebody has actually said, but based on making assumptions based on something never said or even implied. :frazzled: Call me :telephone when he gets a clue, but I wont hold my breath waiting for that to ever happen.

    I would even challenge this lying troll to quote a thread or post in which the subject of people who accept another religions beliefs apart from Christianity equaling atheism was ever being discussed on this forum, much less the statement being directly made or even implied by any member that unless one accept the christian version of events, then they are atheists. AND SINCE ONE OF THE RULES FOR POSTING NEW THREARAB IS TO SUPPORT IT WITH SOME QUOTED EVIDENCE, MAYBE THIS OBNOXIOUS CHILD SHOULD START THERE AND QUOTE SUCH EVIDENCE THAT ANYONE HAS EVER MADE THE IMPLIED CLAIM.

  9. #29
    mzpooh816's Avatar
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    Are the Biblical Faiths the ONLY religions on the planet?

    You still don't get it do you, Iangb!!! Is your ignorance willful or are you just in denial of reality? First of all, in reference to Brigid and Antonia, both of them are self proclaimed atheists so nothing in my statements to them was in error. As for TQ, I did apologize even though every argument he defenRAB here supports the atheist mind set. It is impossible to debate him and remember that he isn't what he appears to be in every opinion he proffers here.

    But most importantly, and to the precise issue of the claims in the OP; point out where in one of your examples I stated than anyone you mention clings to another religious belief system other than christianity, therefore I am stating that they are atheists? That is the positive assertion which the obnoxious child is making, and it is patently false at any level of rationale. So I must ask, why are you also purposely ignoring the fallacious premise this thread is based upon as you attempt to dishonestly indict me by also referring to completely off topic examples in order to claim that the obnoxious child has any point at all when in none of the discussions in question did I call anyone who is committed to a religion other than christianity, an atheist? In other worRAB Iangb, do you have an on topic point to make or am I to just get more irrational drivel from you too?

  10. #30
    JennO's Avatar
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    Are the Biblical Faiths the ONLY religions on the planet?

    By your logic, you believe that Archie's view is the only interpretation of Christanity and that all other views, such as Shadow's and Mathews aren't.

    Thanks for clearing that up.

    I'll file this away when you lie in the future about not tying interpretations to the entire religion to prove, you like Archie are a big fat liar.

    Apparently to you people, the fact that Shadow and Mathew are Christians and DON'T get the same flak as your peanut gallery makes them not Christian.

    Logic and sanity however would obviously point out that it's not Christanity per se, it's your FRACKED UP INTERPRETATIONS.



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