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  1. #21
    janewhite1's Avatar

    LPR as something else, falsely being treated as acid reflux? Probably...

    I agree with you there. I simply do not worry about tiny risks of cancer.

    Worry about lung cancer from smoking. Worry about skin cancer from frequent or severe sunburns. Worry about cancer from working around radioactive material without safety precautions. Those are risk factors which are preventable and reasonably large.

    Do not worry about cancer from one arm x-ray, or from reflux. Treat the reflux based on your suffering now, not on some .0001 chance of cancer years from now. (No, I didn't make that nuraber up, that's the actual statistic for the risk of esophageal cancer from chronic reflux.)

  2. #22
    Sheepdog12's Avatar

    LPR as something else, falsely being treated as acid reflux? Probably...

    Seeking Sunrise,

    Yes, I agree. I still have the urge to do some minor throat clearing, particularly after meals. However, I've become resistant to the urge, as that can further aggravate the throat and the nerves therein. I, too, wonder if I should add 10 mg of elavil or some other tricyclic antidepressant to my regimen. I'll discuss that with my doctor next month. I may even increase the dosage of Lyrica. Some LSN patients need 75 mg three times a day, and others need 150 mg twice a day. But I think that may be overdoing it in my case.

    I'm somewhat anxious to get off of the PPI's but I'd need to taper them down slowly, over the course of a few weeks. Another interesting fact is that PPI's can prevent the absorption of Vitamin B-12, which is essential for NERVE REPAIR. Thus, taking too many for too long a time can reduce the capacity of the nervous system to repair itself.

    Thank you for keeping us all updated.

  3. #23
    Wicked Lady
    Wicked Lady's Avatar

    LPR as something else, falsely being treated as acid reflux? Probably...

    Well the first ( and i think maybe the most important thing ) doctors told me ... is that even the smallest thing in mouth , throat or near this area can cause enormous problems and feeling of something "big" in your mouth...
    and they think everything will be totally normal after surgery (they said it is very similar to tonsils removal surgery) ... I will update U regularly and if they tell me something new I ll pass it on ... I ll have my preparation for surgery on 30. Deceraber lol and surgery will be on 3 January...

    by the way I am feeling a bit better last few days, still I can feel it in my throat and am still afraid of smoking and eating many things ...

  4. #24
    Paula319's Avatar

    LPR as something else, falsely being treated as acid reflux? Probably...


    Thought this was interesting about LPR

  5. #25
    Sheepdog12's Avatar

    LPR as something else, falsely being treated as acid reflux? Probably...

    I've been on Lyrica for three weeks now and I think I feel a little better than my last post. Lyrica seems to be controlling my symptoms better than anything else I've tried in the last 11 months. My throat doesn't burn very much anymore and it is easier to use my voice. Throat clearing is no longer an issue and I no longer have the sensation of anything thick stuck in my throat. However, as I mentioned, the medicine seems to make me drier than I should be and I still have the sensation of tiny pins scratching against my larynx, mostly in the center in specific areas. While this sensation is preferable to the widespread burning I endured when my symptoms were at their worst, I hope that it resolves eventually.

    When I see my doctor next week, I'm going to ask if I can add 10 mg of elavil or some other form of amitryptiline (spelling?) to my regimen.

  6. #26
    Wicked Lady
    Wicked Lady's Avatar

    LPR as something else, falsely being treated as acid reflux? Probably...

    @neptunian ...no they didnt... they looked at my throat only with their eye and laryngeal mirror deep down ( that is how they find that thing on my epiglottis )..
    that was the only thing ...and they didnt mention LPR i wonder if they thought about it ...
    surgeon said that smoking or alcohol can irritate it when they came in touch with it he didnt said anything about my diet or mention acid reflux at all ...

  7. #27
    janewhite1's Avatar

    LPR as something else, falsely being treated as acid reflux? Probably...

    Oh, there's loaRAB of evidence that PPIs don't help people who don't have heartburn, even when there's laboratory evidence that they have reflux. There are also studies that show the reverse.

    Matter of fact, I've found I reflux much less when I'm off the acid medicines. My actual stomach burns like hot coals, but there's a lot less acid in my mouth. And gabapentin can treat many things other than neuropathic pain. Maybe it's just simply relieving pain. Maybe it's actually helping the esophagus work properly. The side effects of gabapentin or pregbalin are no laughing matter, however. They include drowsiness, dizziness and sometimes severe weight gain.

    Still, it's worth a try.

  8. #28
    gpinzone's Avatar

    LPR as something else, falsely being treated as acid reflux? Probably...

    For the people who are on PPI's and have mucus/throat clearing problems have you gone for a manometry? If no,t how do you know if your LES and UES are working properly? As I mentioned earlier in this thread my LES was working properly and only slightly relaxed but had a screwy UES. I had severe mucus in my throat which was only eliminated by ppis along with low fat low acid diet and avoiding all food that would loosen LES and sleeping on an incline. If your mucus is caused by acid or pepsin you will never get rid of it without avoiding high acid fooRAB. I am living proof of that.

    The point I am making is people like us have complex problems. Doctors treat us for one thing but not multiple causing our frustration of not being cured of all our symptoms. We may have a nerve issues + LPR + motility ..... My LPR/GERD was probably resulted in damaging my vagus nerve which in turn gave me a motility issue. But lets just say I refluxed twice a week into my throat. Thats all it could take to prevent my nerves to heal or better yet over time continue to be damaged. So in turn I may have just had reflux and now I have LPR, vagus nerve damage and a motility problem. Symptoms manifest and things getting really complex to properly diagnose.

    Dont stop one drug unless youve taken tests to properly diagnose what the root causes are.

  9. #29
    saratron's Avatar

    LPR as something else, falsely being treated as acid reflux? Probably...

    What a load of rubbish . Just another drug company trying to push something new and expensive on those suffering.

    You shouldn't reference papers that others then have to pay a huge amount to read to follow up on the research you have quoted. If you were genuine you would have included quotes from these papers rather than trying to con us.

    Lyrica is made by Pfizer and I bet Sun Seeker works for them.

    Evidence or STFU!

  10. #30
    MountainReader's Avatar

    LPR as something else, falsely being treated as acid reflux? Probably...

    I see the point you are making, but your scenario seems to be lacking something. If you have a doctor that jumps to such treatment immediately, I'd be finding another doctor. High-dose PPI's should never be the first approach to treatment.

    I do have LPR and GERD. I wouldn't be surprised if I had the nerve irritation at times as well. The thing is, I have worked with my PCP and 3 specialists over the years. (ENT, Pulmonologist and Gastroenterologist) In all cases, the doctors worked with me first on lifestyle changes. When the medications were introduced, they were introduced at the lowest levels first. I worked my way up to PPI's. I initially took low dosages. I continued to try various approaches before I started on PPI's twice per day. While trying the meRAB, I was encouraged to continue my lifestyle changes as well. The doctors didn't just prescribe the PPI's twice per day. I had multiple tests that were repeated over time to confirm reflux and see how the treatments were working. Granted, I did end up on high-dose PPI's and it is long-term, but it was with careful deliberation on my part and the part of multiple doctors. While I'm not comfortable with the long-term risks, the benefits far outweigh those risks in my case. (My reflux is literally life-threatening because the acid inflames my lungs at times and I can't breathe.)

    As for throat irritation, my ENT did a couple tests (not just a look at the throat). He gave me breathing exercises and holistic things to try. He did want me to try the low dose anti-depressants, but even at the lowest dose, they really knock me out. His goal is to help me "calm" my vocal corRAB down.

    I think it is a good thing you have done your research. More people really should. I think that is why many of us are on these boarRAB. I do worry that you are advocating something that might only apply to some and not all. Some of us truly do have confirmed severe acid reflux. (My testing has confirmed I have acid in the gaseous form coming up into my throat during the majority of the day.) What you are sharing is certainly something we can bring to discuss with our doctors, but I caution people to look at all options in deciding upon their personal course of treatment.



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