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  1. #31
    KGB ate my bread
    KGB ate my bread
's Avatar

    WOW... Oil spill pictures.

    http://www.audubonaction.org/site/Survey?ACTION_REQUIRED=URI_ACTION_USER_REQUESTS&SU RVEY_ID=3400

    http://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1DVCC_enUS361US361&aq=f&sourceid=chro me&ie=UTF-8&q=volunteer+oil+spill

  2. #32
's Avatar

    WOW... Oil spill pictures.

    I know it's BP's fault, but why aren't the Feds helping them out?

  3. #33
    KGB ate my bread
    KGB ate my bread
's Avatar

    WOW... Oil spill pictures.

    we've given a shit for the past 25+ years.

    no one has cared until recently, and they still don't for the most part.

    Basically after the 192X flood of New Orleans, the Army Corps built levees all the way to the mouth.

    They've kept the river from shifting channels (to the Atchafalaya River) and have forced it's rich waters off the continental shelf. These waters used to replenish marsh, but they can't do that when that's the case.

    Then when oil drilling became big in the 50s down here, canals were cut all over the marshes and basically exposed them to saltwater intrusion and increased erosion (more areas exposed to open water).

    It's really, really really sad.

    We've lost some 3,400 sq. miles of coast over the past century.

  4. #34
's Avatar

    WOW... Oil spill pictures.

    Ever since Obama received a 77 thousand dollar contribution from BP (the most towards any president/politician), thats all he thinks of as well

  5. #35
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    WOW... Oil spill pictures.

  6. #36
    Dino Cazares
    Dino Cazares
's Avatar

    WOW... Oil spill pictures.

    coming back to galveston on the cruise ship i was on last week i could actually smell the spill, it was horrific.

  7. #37
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    WOW... Oil spill pictures.

    Brooke is right

  8. #38
    A Cow
    A Cow
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    WOW... Oil spill pictures.

    easy fix.. 1 match.

  9. #39
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    WOW... Oil spill pictures.

    sounds like we should blow up all man-made structures on the coast and ban people

  10. #40
    Keith Moons Liver
    Keith Moons Liver
's Avatar

    WOW... Oil spill pictures.

    beats relying on the towelheads for oil. as long as they keep the disasters in the shitty parts of america that nobody cares about, ie the entire southeast. say, is there any oil in the great lakes?



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