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  1. #31
    Robyn Chaos D.F.A.
    Robyn Chaos D.F.A.
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    so is anybody else concerned with the direction the USA is heading?

    Most people are fine with what we have and the ones that are not are fucking morons.

  2. #32
    mighty mastodon
    mighty mastodon
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    so is anybody else concerned with the direction the USA is heading?

    sweet! we agree that america is a sweet place to live!
    would you also agree thats due to alot of the freedoms and rights we have?
    The ones we obtained thru the sacrifice of peeps like ben franklin, washington, and 2 million other bad ass american patriots(thanks robyn!!)
    Now dont you think bills like the patriot act and certain aspects of goverment reform might be infringing(sp?) on these rights?

    Why cant we say no?

  3. #33
    mighty mastodon
    mighty mastodon
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    so is anybody else concerned with the direction the USA is heading?

    bold =truth
    the rest you lost me on

  4. #34
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    so is anybody else concerned with the direction the USA is heading?

    nope. there has always been political shifts, and theres always been people who claim that the current situation will lead to the collapse of the state

  5. #35
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    so is anybody else concerned with the direction the USA is heading?

    Basically, enjoy your life. When you die the US will still be here, and everyone will still be complaining about how 'the country is fucked' with every new president, and politics will still be the fucking joke it has been for decades.

  6. #36
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    so is anybody else concerned with the direction the USA is heading?

    Yes. We're fucked. What's worse is, there's no country out there that is doing any better, so it's not like we can even pick up and move.

  7. #37
    Robyn Chaos D.F.A.
    Robyn Chaos D.F.A.
's Avatar

    so is anybody else concerned with the direction the USA is heading?

    yeah, start with the children though, because they will be the easiest to spot.

  8. #38
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    so is anybody else concerned with the direction the USA is heading?

    America was built around these ideals, but the people who built America do not control it anymore. It is full of out of touch politicians.

    I still think it is bullshit to have the ex-executive of a beef company can run the FDA and anything similar. (asking for huge de-regulation or regulation)

    I for one blame the wide use of modern credit (personal credit cards) on what is happening. Spending is out of control.

  9. #39
    Johnny Fever
    Johnny Fever
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    so is anybody else concerned with the direction the USA is heading?

    A person whose speech I attended recently said that by 2030, the entire budget (if taxes aren't increased) will be taken up by interest on Medicare.

    That's right about the time a lot of OTers, including the Obama nutsuckers, will be in their prime earning years, and thus, the biggest targets of a tax increase.

  10. #40
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    so is anybody else concerned with the direction the USA is heading?

    nope, this happens all the time and people get pissy



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