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  1. #41

    South Park "ImaginationLand, Part 2" Talkback (Spoilers)

    I wish I could take credit for it, but it's my friend's theory. He doesn't post here, but he told me I could post it to this board.

    I'll tell him you liked it!

  2. #42

    South Park "ImaginationLand, Part 2" Talkback (Spoilers)

    The second part, although not quite as good as the first, was still pretty cool. It kept up the momentum of the first. Makes sense that we saw the evil counterparts, they're still playing by the rules they set up in the first part. And bringing in the Woodland Critters and Manbearpig was brilliance. It made me wish there were more imaginary South Park characters they could've used (but, for the most part, they've had interaction with the other characters and they can't be considered imaginary).

    My two favorite parts were the military trying to figure out what Manbearpig is while he was ripping them all apart and Cartman's voice changing when he screamed.

    I was thinking that too since they're basically the same being. Overall, I thought the Council of Nine was pretty cool. Classic characters and even recent ones like Morpheus. This time it's Butters who is being set up as their Keanu Reeves.

    I was thinking about this, and it actually makes more sense for Wonder Woman to be part of the council than anyone. Batman is mostly about intellect and determination, but Wonder Woman embodies truth and virtue, even moreso than Superman (who was the first person I thought of when they mentioned the council). I don't know if that's why Trey and Matt put her in there, but that was my thinking.

    I was thinking that too. There can still be a real historical Jesus, and this could just be the Jesus that was created by the human imagination. Although that does kind of mess up his previous South Park appearances where he's basically the real deal.

  3. #43

    South Park "ImaginationLand, Part 2" Talkback (Spoilers)

    I’m starting to think that Part III is going to end with Kyle actually sucking Cartman’s balls. Many people think there has to be some great twist of sorts, but isn’t that the sort of thing they mocked in Part I?

  4. #44

    South Park "ImaginationLand, Part 2" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Durring the whole 'Abyss' parody thing, I kept wishing Cartman would say "I won't let you be killed by a figment of Al Gore's imagination!"

  5. #45

    South Park "ImaginationLand, Part 2" Talkback (Spoilers)

    If you're such a fan, how come you don't know his first name's Kurt, not Kirk?

    Thought this ep was just as good as Part 1, and I'm really looking forward to Part 3.

  6. #46

    South Park "ImaginationLand, Part 2" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Finally got the chance to view part 1 AND 2.

    The highlights were pretty much mentioned by other posters (esp. the Woodland Critters), but I'm surprised nobody mentioned THIS exchange:

    General: Ever since the Cold War, the U.S. government has been working on a secret project to build a doorway into the imagination. It is called, Project Imagination Doorway
    Stan: Thats not very imaginative.

  7. #47
    sreeji's Avatar

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    South Park "ImaginationLand, Part 2" Talkback (Spoilers)

    As someone mentioned already they're imaginary creatures/critters so they can be revived without it really mattering since they aren't really real characters. Which pretty much means we'll probably see the killed off imgainary critters by the end of the ep if they you know just pull "if you believe in your imagination enough they'll survive" or something.

    My friend noticed that. I thought at first it was a way they could show the character without getting sued (you know making minor changes to they're design so it's not like you're seeing the actual one there) but I suppose it could just be a folly by the animators or something.

    Well they already made fun of Disney before (the Disney style songs in the South Park Movie for instance) so didn't feel like making fun of it here. Besides I doubt we'd see all the imaginary characters Matt and Trey know about even in two episodes. Not even three (though I have a feeling we'll probably see at least a few "new" cameos in part three of this).

    I do really hope it's not all just a dream and they do for a real ending for this since they're already done dream twists parody in this three parter already and having it end on one would be pretty lame.

    Part of me's kind of surprised this is a Trilogy. After all South Park hasn't ever really done one of those (besides the Meteor Shower thing from Season 3, and that was only because Matt and Trey needed to think of three eps quickly and it wasn't even a technical three parter in traditional sense) so why now? Guess it's really a sign saying that if they can get a good enough idea and don't have any real news to parody they'll expand outside the box a bit. And if it's stuff as good as this, I'd say it's worth it. The best parts would still have to be the various cameos of the imgainary folk (I'm sure some people are still miffed there wasn't any big overall parody of the evil characters but I kind of figured they wouldn't do that kind of twist after what we saw in "Cartoon Wars" part two) from Jesus and Morpehus (and the other nine council members) to Wario, Freddy and of course the cameo of SP's own imaginary characters: The Woodland Critter Chirstmas Gang (who are the most evil of them all since hey there are Cartman's ideas) and ManBearPig (I really hope Al Gore gets to fight him off next week and actually dfeat a real ManBearPig). A lot of other funny scenes too: "Previously on Battlestar Galactia", Cartman's dream sequence (though really between this and some other scenes in this ep if the Cartman/Kyle shippers aren't making fanfics off this what are they doing to waste they're lives?), Stan and Kyle singing the imagination song and saying it was long and stupid, Butters annoyed at Snarf and beign chosen as the hero at the end, Cartman breaking into the room (ala "The Snuke") and him preparing everything for Kyle to suck his balls, ManBearPig's attack and Kyle's "death" (I think Master Moron can finally get a new Avatar) and the ending. Probably as good as last week's ep, though I have a feeling I know how part three's going to go unless they deciide to throw in a major curveball into the whole imagination thing then they've done already.

  8. #48

    South Park "ImaginationLand, Part 2" Talkback (Spoilers)

    As a South Park fanboy I must express that I am offended at the use of Jesus, and as a superhero cartoon fanboy I am offended at the use of Snarf.

    Butters was saying to the palace guard how he isn't imaginary. That is true, of course. However, Jesus is a South-Park-iconic character who is as significant and memorable as Butters is. So Jesus should be viewed as one of the show's characters in the same light as Butters.

    I recently bought Thundercats Volume 1 as a gamble to see if it was as good as I remembered. It turns out it was 100 times better than I remembered, but even though he could come off as annoying, I never saw Snarf as such, DESPITE THE FACT that his usefulness completely dried up the moment in the first episode when Lion-o woke up on Earth as a grown man. This is because Snarf was supposed to guide him and help him grow up. Snarf had a place, and I don't think he ever overstepped it. His annoyance factor was that of a loving parent who worries and cares, not a goofy misshapen character who's is sole purpose is to try to put in his catch phrase in every episode.

    I agree. I miss the simpler days, and I want them back, but this is really cool and fun for the fanboys in all of us. But it's not only the continuity that made that awesome. It's that one main character in a room of scientists that knows what's going on, so he's the one to say a variation of the line, "wait a minute...*thinks*...GET YOUR MEN OUT OF THERE NOW!!!" Priceless.

    As a member of the original line up of the Justice League myself, having been an animated DC fan all my life, I agree one may argue Batman over Wonderwoman, but I would argue for Wonderwoman simply because she is capable of the spot, and it would show that she is. We already know Batman is good for that spot. I say give Wonderwoman the spotlight. Regardless, when I think of leadership, figurehead, big speech giving spots, I would think of Superman myself. Anyway! It doesn't matter of course.

    You can't possibly please EVERY single fanboy's separate fandom at once. There's just too much to cover.....in SOUTH PARK'S WORLD ALONE!! Heck, Stan and Butters should technically be living in Imagination Land if you think about it from too complex a perspective! Another example would be The Flash. I don't think it was Jay Garrick, Barry Allen or any of our Flashes because all he could do was run away, AND at a normal human speed! But if he tried to fight, he could have actually made a difference, and the story is supposed to go in another direction. Maybe the excuse for that other than "don't over think it" is that we're the ones who give them all their powers.

    And Manbearbig was devistating!! And that was a cute idea having Al Gore stop him or whatever, but I don't think that's the symbolism the character is going for. It's something he created to make himself useful, only to result in him creating a monster, over in Evil-Animation Land.

    This has been great stuff so far. I'm really enjoying it.

  9. #49
    OLERED's Avatar

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    South Park "ImaginationLand, Part 2" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Why did the South Park crew choose Wonder Woman over Batman and Superman to be a COUNCIL OF 9 member? Much like Hanna-Barbera in the late 1970's when Batman villian the Riddler was chosen instead of the Joker or the Penguin or the Catwoman for the Challenge of the Superfriends Legion of Doom team of Super Villians

  10. #50

    South Park "ImaginationLand, Part 2" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Hanna-Barbera couldn't use the Joker for Challenge of the Super Friends because Filmation outbid them for use of the Joker in their New Adventures of Batman show that ran on CBS around the same time, so H-B used the Riddler for the Legion of Doom in his place. I'm guessing it was the same deal with Catwoman.

    About the South Park Council of Nine, why does everyone think that there's some kind of conspiracy going on? Maybe Trey Parker and Matt Stone are just Wonder Woman fans. Besides, they had to have a woman in the council, didn't they? So why not Diana?



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