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  1. #61
    - bad romance -
    - bad romance -'s Avatar

    If you could only choose one.................?

    OK. Some of the wonderful answers here have prompted me to attempt one of my own, so here goes.

    I have chosen Cordy & Angel (AtS)

    During their time together on BtVS, this seemed a very unlikely pairing. Cordy just lusted after Angel, and Angel himself was blinded by his feelings for the Slayer. But by pure chance they ended up meeting once again in Los Angeles. Cordy had fled there to pursue her unrealistic dreams of becoming an actress and was living in squalor. Angel was there simply to put space between him and his forbidden love. Two people there for very different reasons and yet they ended up connecting. Cordy garnered herself a job in Angels detective agency and quickly became a part of his life. They were brought closer together by the death of their half human friend Doyle and found support in each other. At the end of that season Cordy was stricken down by a slew of visions and was hospitalised as a result. It was at this point that Angel truly realised how much he needed and depended on her. During the next season Angel went through a dark spell, firing Cordy and the rest of his crew, but only to protect them. Upon having an epiphany he realised his error and tried to reconnect with his group, going especially out of his way to win back Cordys trust, proving how much he valued her above all others. Shortly after this Angel learned of the death of his ex-love Buffy and retreated to a Himalayan monastery to make sense of things in his head. Not long after his return, it became clear his sisterly feelings towards his Seer were growing in to something more.
    Actions such as setting free the half demon Billy simply to save Cordy and trusting the care of his baby son Conner to her were proving his changing feelings. Then one evening at the ballet, the two were possesed by unrequited lovers and were overcome with passion for each other. It seemed this would be the catalyst for them to confess their feelings but they were thwarted by the arrival of Cordelias ex from Pylea and Angel spent the rest of the season fighting his jealousy towards the other warrior. Angel was finally encouraged by the empathic demon Lorne to tell his Seer how he felt and Cordy herself seemed ready to requite those feelings, having been forced to face up to them by her departed boyfriend. But their plans were torn apart when Angel was dropped in to the ocean by Connor and Cordy was transported to another relaity to become a Higher being.
    During the course of the next season Angel went through agony, thinking he'd gotten Cordy back, only to discover she was being inhabited by an evil being named Jasmine. Jasmiine was eventally destroyed but Cordelia was left in a coma as a result. Angel was offered control of the demonic law firm Wolfram and Heart, and although it went against everything he stood for, he accepted the offer. And so began a new era in Angels unlife. But his Seer and love was never far from his mind.
    Midway through this season, Angel recieved a call telling him Cordy had awakened from her coma and it was with mutual joy that they found themselves back in each others arms. Cordy got through to Angel as only she could and helped him refocus on the mission that he had been thinking of giving up. They finally shared a passionate kiss, a clinch that was evidence of both their feelings for one another. But then the hone rang and Cordy left, telling Angel she had no coice, she had to leave. She departed with the words "i'll be seeing you" as Angel answered the telephone, to be told that she was dead, she had never truly woken up. He could only stare, heartbroken and with tears in his eyes, at the spot where she had stood ony moments earlier. Once more they had been given a chance, only to have been torn apart again.
    Angel finally met with his final battle at the end of this season. It was never explained if her survived this battle or was killed in it. But one can only hope that, if he died, he transcended to heaven and was reunited with the spirit of his beloved Cordelia, this time for good. Thus making her final words of "i'll be seeing you" come true.

    As my answer proves this pair have been through so much, been given so many chances only to have them torn away again. So that is why chose them as my "one" couple. No one deserves it more.

  2. #62
    andbreatheme's Avatar

    If you could only choose one.................?

    Angel/Cordelia - because out of all my couples, they were the only couple that somebody set out to purposely ruin. And it just wasn't on :lol: Everything about them was amazing - from their first scene to their last, from their friendship to being in love, DB and CC just brought the amazingness :in_love: And they're still my #1 ship after 10 years - you can't escape the Cangel goodness.

  3. #63
    ale-la-pazza1's Avatar

    If you could only choose one.................?

    Jack&Kate was always the only couple I'd have killed to have OTP and gladly they were.

  4. #64
    Kristen00's Avatar

    If you could only choose one.................?

    I'll have to go with Pacey and Andie. :sigh: They just seemed very natural together and were too cute for words. So if I had to make that choice, I would definitely give them a happy ending.

  5. #65
    Butterflies18's Avatar

    If you could only choose one.................?

    I don't believe there is any couple on TV right now who are so obviously meant for eachother. Some people might not like their games but they are SO alike that being with someone else is like separating peanut butter & jelly. You just don't do that!

  6. #66
    sanna_o75's Avatar

    If you could only choose one.................?

    My favorite couple is House/Cameron, BUT it's not like them to live happily every after, so I have to say my other favorite couple and that's Ally/Larry from Ally Mcbeal. I have no doubt that Larry was the love of her life and they we're so right for eachother and really deserved eachother

  7. #67
    cardinalfan06's Avatar

    If you could only choose one.................?

    well let's see.....carol and doug--CHECK, chuck and blair---gonna be CHECK

    i gotta say of the ones that are for reals without a doubt finished.....spike & buffy and/or brenda & dylan and i honestly can't decide because both of them were so perfect for each other

    they could trust one another with everything, didn't have to hide who they really were, even the not-so-great parts, and knew the other and believed in the other more than anyone else

    they were so strong in their relationships individually and cohesively that they both ended just as strong because of each other. And in the end of both shows their relationships were deeper than any/all the others.....basically they both deserve one hell of a happy ending and i can't decide which would make me happier

  8. #68
    forblueskiesxx's Avatar

    If you could only choose one.................?

    I always have such a hard time posting my own answer in this thread; it's too hard a decision. :lol: Really it's between Sawyer & Juliet, Booth & Brennan, Jack & Kate, and Luke & Lorelai, and if I had to choose one...I'd really have to go with JK. They went through so much together throughout the course of the show, that it would have just been so heartbreaking and illogical if they didn't end up together (or at least professing their love to each other until the afterlife, lol.) They truly deserved it, and I can't pretend that my overall Lost experience wouldn't have been at least a little bit lessened if JK weren't each other's true loves in the end. Luke/Lorelai were my first ship and OTP, but they were already somewhat tarnished by the last two seasons that I was already in the mindset of being disappointed when the show was ending. BB are a couple I feel is entirely necessary to end up together because I just really can't even fathom them not being endgame. It would be awful and depressing if they weren't. :lol: But I don't love them as much as the other three to give them number one. I think SJ was a close second because when I was watching the final season, my heart was undeniably rooting for SJ to be endgame the most, for some unexplainable reason. :lol: But going back to older seasons and episodes of Lost...yeah, it just has to be Jate. :love:

  9. #69
    standingintherain's Avatar

    If you could only choose one.................?

    Sorry, DP.

  10. #70
    courtneybangelcakes's Avatar

    If you could only choose one.................?

    There are six seasons :nod: It's actually a pretty good show, I rewatch it quite a bit. I just love the characters, it's a very "character" show - more so what's going on in their lives, than added drama - which is nice. Pacey/Joey and Pacey are the definite highlights of the show :love:



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