Okay I honestly have not a clue.
I am thirteen years old and have been since Decemeber. I'm worried because I am one of the few girls in Junior high who have yet to hit puberty (but my friends don't know that because I wear a thick uniform) I am also skinny but not boney. Anyhow what I want to know is
1. What are these bumps under my nipple? I have almost no boobs and then a few months ago bumps formed under my nipples. They hurt the first time i discovered them. Then they stopped. Now they're tender and painful again.
2. How do I know when my breasts are growing? Will they itch or hurt for example?
3. I know you are soppose to consult a doctor if you don't get your period at a certain age. What age?

Answerer #2 Thanks good to know my source is another 13 year old that comforts me.
And By the way guys, I don't live with my mom. I live with my dad and thats it. So I kinda can't get good answers out of a man who has not a clue or no experience with that type of development.