...and intelligence? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090821015342AA9I1nx&r=w

^Thing I did for fun^

Why did the Christian comebacks seem so easy to say, and why didn't they require me to think for myself or come up with logical evidence?
Stupid people are funny.

*no sarcasm*
brad m- I have argued from an atheist position for every question but that one, and put thought and logic into every answer I wrote only to see responses like "God works in mysterious ways" and "Don't question God, he is above you". I'm merely pointing out how much easier it is to use those answers as it requires no independent thinking whatsoever, and if you cannot see that that is your problem.

Matthew T- I read each and every one of my answers as I love reading intelligent responses. Feel free to write as much as you want, as long as it isn't all Bible quotes I'll read it and respond if you make a point.

Mint- Thank you for agreeing with me, and thank you for being quite funny.