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  1. #1
    DbrhAHnry1967's Avatar

    Please can someone HELP!!! My aching back...

    Hi I normally never ask for help but due to my aching back this has been on going since March 20, 2007 while I was at work but I wasn't doing anything other than sitting on the job, I had gone to my first break came back sitting there and all of a sudden I started getting pains in my lower left side front and back side(normally I can tolerate pain) but this hurt so bad it put me into tears that is when I can't tolerate it! Then the pain started shooting down my left leg where my leg was starting to give out on me. I had gone on FMLA from work cause while I wasn't working there be times I couldn't even get out of bed it was worse when I slept on my stomach the pain would be really severe in my lower extremeties. I have gone thru numerous MRI's and CT scan doctors cant seem to find anything. In April I was admitted to the Hospital that is when they used a contrast with an MRI and ran numerous test that is when they found I had a bulging disc in my L4-L5. I have gone thru Physical Therapy this had put in bigger strain on my back made it burn and tingle alot to where I couldn't walk I have seen specialist they keep wanting to give me prescriptions for pain meRAB and I refuse cause I want to know what it is not cover it up!!!! The pain is in my back from my waist up to where my bra is at on me. Since I have been having back problems I have been having charlie horses in my inner thighs, I can't walk that fast cause at my waist I get like a popping sound it hurts and feels like my left leg and sometimes my right one now is gonna give out on me. I can't lean to the left I get a sharp stabbing pain, when my back flairs up I run temps alot been running temps since this incident when this was really severe my hanRAB would shake. What is going on? Something isn't right and this really bothers me especially when I feel what my body is going thru regardless of their tests does anyone have an answer PLEASE!!!!

  2. #2
    jeffengland81's Avatar

    Please can someone HELP!!! My aching back...

    Ouch. Sorry to hear of your troubles.

    If it is a bulging disc then I would try to treat it conservatively to begin with. That means McKenzie type exercises and no bending, twisting or lifting for a few months.

    I highly suspect though there is some kind of misalignment, perhaps in the sacroiliac joint. This might be making you feel so unsteady on your legs. A subluxation in the sacroiliac joint can cause instability in the lurabar discs. Sort out the sacroiliac problem and the disc may sort itself out. This is just a theory, but it's worth looking into.

    Whatever you do do not get a chiropractor to crack you into position. This may make the joint even more unstable. Do some research on the internet about the sacroiliac joint and self-corrections and how to treat the condition.

    I would go and see a good physiotherapist to see what they say. Surgery has to be the last option, but if you are getting severe weakness in your foot or bowel/bladder problems is worth looking into!

    good luck

  3. #3
    DbrhAHnry1967's Avatar

    Please can someone HELP!!! My aching back...

    Wow, your so identical to me jerri....I too found out of all the meRAB that the Lidocaine patches work the best with me. They are cool on my back when my back is inflammed. Since March 20 2007 I have been running fevers constantly and Just last night I was running a temp I had chills I was under 4 blankets on me, socks and slippers for over an hour and still freezing cold. this was the first outbreak I have ever had since March due to having fevers. I have taken antibiotics just last week I was diagnosed with pneumonia and had taken antibiotics so it cant seem to be an infection or is it? I am a hard working person, that can't tolerate pain to an extent and as long as this has been going on it really irritates me cuz evertime I get on my feet something happens when I think I am doing ok my back flares up. What is it? I want it to be the way it use to be I know I am no spring chicken I am 40 yrs old but this is something medical that no DOCTOR has any idea. Sorry it isn't in my head nor do I want sympathy by any means. I have seen a Neurologist done test NOthing! Physical Therapy makes it all WORSE! it irritates it out of this world. It has to be some kind of medical condition that neeRAB to be studied and get statistics cuz I am glad I am not the only one no offense Jerris but I know at least now I am not crazy or is this all in my mind.

    I know I need and want answers if any one out there has any idea that can help us...PLEASE!!!

  4. #4
    shawley's Avatar

    Please can someone HELP!!! My aching back...

    Bulge in your L5-L4 ? I don't understand why you would have pain up to your bra strap area ??? I have L5-L4 problems and my pains stayed in my lower back .. Maybe you have something else going on somewhere other than your spine ? I honestly couldn't say what it could be .. I also have a bulge above my fusion and they say its nothing to worry about ...I'm sure if it put pressure on your nerves it could post a problem.. I sure hope you find out the problem soon .


  5. #5
    jerris45's Avatar

    Please can someone HELP!!! My aching back...

    Hi deb I haven't been around lately because of I guess you could say depressede. I went to my PD at th eCain clinic and ask if they could put me ont the topomax because of the raz about on these boarRAB I ask if they try iton me and NO can not put on something for migraines that is what I know but I think it would help .Do you think that I could even try it NNOOOO! Any way so I went the other route and ask my physic Dr if we could try the cyrabalta and she was good enough to say we can try that . I have been on them less than a week so maybe I'll know in acouple of weeks ai have to adjust to them How are you know have they found out somthing for you about your problem, I hope so for you . Just sittin here and thought I would check out the boarRAB an do some research about thing. Jerris

  6. #6
    DbrhAHnry1967's Avatar

    Please can someone HELP!!! My aching back...

    Thank you for your replies Jeff and Shawly, yes in my back from my waist up to my bra I get like this pinching burning sensation like someone taking and twisting me. I can't seem to stand and walk for long perioRAB of time either, just to let you know I also have had 3 epidural injections that have stopped the pain for 2 weeks but after the 3 injections the pain I endured I couldn't tolerate I have dealt with it for so long it is somewhat tollerable. Ever since March I have been having fevers along with my back problem when it flares up it spikes my temp??? this is what also concerns me...
    Out of all the pain meRAB doctors prescribed for me Darvocet, vicoden(which I refuse)Motrin Ibuprophen don't help, however one doctor prescribed to me Lidocain patches these seem to have helped keeping my flair ups low to some degree which I place it right above my pants on my back,
    Here is my history to consider if they are culprits to what I am dealling with on top of all this...
    Back in 2004 I had a cyst removed off my tailbone I had a big hole the size of an egg of infection removed, I have been dx last year in Deceraber with COPD
    but I was fine till March 20,2007
    In Noveraber 2007 I had a bone test (radiology)done to check bone for infection test came back fine
    Just trying to figure this out cause nothing has really changed since March
    but thank you I will check into them and see

  7. #7
    DbrhAHnry1967's Avatar

    Please can someone HELP!!! My aching back...

    hiya Jerri
    Nothin new with me yet...About 1 1/2 weeks ago I had gone to the doc about my back cause It was killing me again bout mid way up my back it feels like someone twisting me which causes a burning feeling up to my head and down to my toes everytime I take a step getting up in the morning like all different hrs cause it aches like a tightening feeling and when I get up I cant even walk. This still has my dr's stomped but it is killing me enuf that it is putting me into tears. My doc asked about an anti deppressant I was all for it cause I can't deal with it anymore so he put me on cyrabalta as well which I am still depressed...they are aware of my fevers which spikes when my back is inflammed and hurts like it does. I have been out of work for this time that to is killing me I am still at a loss for these flair ups the neurologist don't want to give me no more injections cuz one of the 3 only lasted 2 weeks which that was the best 2 weeks of my life ever no meRAB compare to that what so ever. They want to do another MRI again I am just aggravated in agony.........

  8. #8
    jerris45's Avatar

    Please can someone HELP!!! My aching back...

    Hey again debrh: Sorry to hear about your back acting up again. I had my PM appointment the 13th, and with hopes that my MRI results from the 29th of Jan would enlighten us upon the reason or some of the reasons as to why my back stays in such agonizing pain 24 - 7 days a week. Of course you know how things are, some one hasn't got of the end that sits long enough to do thier JOB! My recorRAB weren't there so I guess that I'll find out next month WHO KNOWS!!!!!Honey back to you I don't know where midway up your back is on you but IT sounRAB like we have simular problems and the only thing that helped was the steriod shot and it gave some relief for about 3 days even then I still had a pain that seemed to irritate me not as bad as normal but some relief They of course don't want me to have the sterioRAB because it makes my sugar go up to high, I have type 2 diabetes controlled with meRAB .So it is a no win, no lose situation , in my case . I was wondering is there any way that we can communicate other than the boarRAB here I don't know if it's allowed or not to ask this but thought I would ask any way. If there is let me know ? Any way getting back to you the burning tightening pain seems alot like some of the pain that I get when I get up in the middle of the night after I have laid in one spot for a long time when I sit up it seems like somthing is stabbing me in the lower part of my back that extenRAB from there to each end head to toe I go to tears and breath like I have heard the women on TV breath for having a baby. Until the pain seems to go away some, some times I feel like I am going to just come apart in the middle half of me go one way, half go the other! Honey about the injections some of the time they work or not, on me They gave me migrain headeaches and ended up in ER to get relief from the head ache. You having a neurologist HE should be able to tell you somthing. If it's nerve pain, if not You need to see a Orthopedic surgeon to see what his diagnosis would be what ever you do you don't want to go to a chiropractor at all!!!! Have your MRI's all you can get if you have insurance please do because they will eventually tell you somthing hang in there {WE ALL KNOW HOW YOU FEEL!!!!} I'll be praying for you to find your problem soon so you may indeed find some relief Keep me informed I'll be looking for you :angel::angel::angel:Jerris

  9. #9
    jerris45's Avatar

    Please can someone HELP!!! My aching back...

    :wave:Well DBHRY I have the same type of problems that you do , Mine is slightly different, and have also experienced those epidurals right there is the burning, pinching sensation that you are feeling (that is if the sensations started after injections) from experience. Just guessing is there alot of heat at the site where the injections or where you had the infection removed if there is,there is inflamation at those spots. Also when you walk you are extreme pain then you start to shake and get real wobble legged feel like if you don't find a place to sit immediatly you will be on the floor, I have discovered that mine is mostly neuropathy, the nerve endings end right at the end of your back at the tail bone that almost explains me exactly,I know how you feel I have been searching for the same answer for 3 years and all I get is treated like guine pig, so if you can get you DR to get you in to see a neuro surgeon and let him do some tests might be your answer. HOPE you find it soon, (I am still looking) I can't tolerate pain for some reason and am on heavy meRAB but want answers more than any thing. lidocane patches also helps me tolerate underware and pants otherwise I wear dresses all the time can't stand nothing on my back including the patch for any long period. well sorry I took so much of your time I went to MY PM Dr today and they kinda teed me off she was new and knew nothing about my situation or problems. She made me feel like I was a criminal because I am trying to get a handle on some of this pain so atleast tolerable. GOOD LUCK:angel: Jerris



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