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  1. #1
    mznell's Avatar

    NEW tingling after first PT session??

    Hi Billy ~

    I'm sorry you're having such a rough time trying to find a good pain med. I was on oxycodone and then vicodin for break-through pain, with lyrica twice a day for nerve pain. But you had much more surgery than I did. It's going to take you longer to heal from all the carpentry work they did on you.

    I know you're a carpenter, so you'll appreciate what my PT said to me last week. She has observed back surgeries several times and she said the doctor looks just like a carpenter -- he has a saw, a drill, a type of screwdriver, and of course all these metal screws!! She described my back as a carpentry project.

    I hope you fine a med that takes away your pain. Good for you for walking, especially when you're in pain.

    Hang in there -- :angel:

  2. #2
    mznell's Avatar

    NEW tingling after first PT session??

    I am 8 weeks out from a PLIF at L4-5 and was told by my surgeon that I could start PT any time. He also said it usually took awhile to get an appointment, insurance OK, etc. When I called, they had a cancellation for the following day, so I took it, and thus, began PT at 8 weeks out.

    The clinic only treats spinal issues and my therapist, I thought, was superb. She evaluated me and everything was gentle, but hard since I haven'd done much exercise for several years.

    The next day I got up, did my "homework" exercises, and walked outdoors. The following day, I was very sore and what I am concerned about is that I felt persistant tingling in my right leg from the knee on down to my toes. This has continued, although I don't believe it is all the time, 24/7.

    I don't know if this might just be muscles and nerves that haven't been used in a long time coming back to life, or if maybe I am trying to do too much too soon. (My worst sciatic pain was in the right leg and I frequently had tingling or nurabness. This feels different, but scary.) The PT seemed to think that by 8 weeks I was far enough along to begin with her. Would this be a question to bring up with the PT or should I call my doctor (the man who hanRAB out NO specific instructions or advice)??

  3. #3
    Justoneofus's Avatar

    NEW tingling after first PT session??

    Getting a tad flared up is all very normal when beginning PT no matter at what stage you begin it, as most go because we are not in the proper physical condition.

    I would imagine your tingling you have going on is due to lack of use of those areas that were worked on, possibly some inflammation and minor irritation. I would bring up ANY and ALL issues you feel and experience during and post PT treatments. This way they can better help you by knowing exactly what they do and how it effects your body and how it responRAB.

    It's really important that you hold nothing back from the therapist. The more they know the better than can get you into a better place. As they learn more about you they can tailor your PT specific to your neeRAB.

    You really aren't too early for the PT in my opinion. I started around 10 weeks, but could have used starting it around 8 weeks. I could tell my body was tightening up at around 7 weeks and by 10.. I was tight tight tight.

    So hang in there with it and it does get easier and you will also begin to loosen up more, gain strength and regain some flexibility too. PT is what was my turning point in my healing that helped to feel more normal again.

  4. #4
    laf761's Avatar

    NEW tingling after first PT session??

    I'm just quessing but Imagine that after not using certain muscles for such a long time the body will react in different ways...

    I think your nerves have gone through alot and need to bounce back and your muscles need to be reconditioned....I supoose this will take time...

    There are bound to be all kinRAB of twinges and new aches...I would call the Dr. just the same.....what the heck...

    Hang in there...Perhaps you should ice where it hurts???

  5. #5
    deviphish's Avatar

    NEW tingling after first PT session??

    MM--- HELLO there my friend , i hope you are starting to feel a little bit better !! This was your first P.T session , and you have not used these muscles for a while - I'm sure they need to wake up and adjust to you usig them again..

    I am a little over 2 weeks post-op , lots of pain still.. I am walking with my walker twice a day for about 15 to 20 minutes.. I have no idea when my doctor will let me begin physical therapy , i am seeing him on 3/28..

    I saw my P.M doctor yesterday and he put me on a pain med called opana {oxymorphone} have you ever hear of it ? for a weeks worth of meRAB it cost me $150.00 !!!!! THat is crazy i can not afford that right now , i see him friday so i will have to tell him to change this again.. I do not particually like my PM doctor and i am looking for a new one..

    Enough about me , i really hope you start to feel better.. When your muscles wake up from sleeping so long , hopefully you will be A OK.. BILLY BOY

  6. #6
    ms_west's Avatar

    NEW tingling after first PT session??

    Oh, I am so sorry you are hurting so much and pray that this flare is simply due to using those muscles again. It is amazing how some surgeons are believers in pt and then there is mine who does not believe in it at all. He says walking, whirl pool, and walking in the swimming pool is more than enough.

    I will be lifting you up in prayer.

  7. #7
    debbie363636's Avatar

    NEW tingling after first PT session??

    MMOM, Hi, I was just wondering if you really felt ready to start PT. I am one week behind you (7weeks) post-op and my doctor says no PT now, we will discuss it at my next appt. That will make me 4 1/2 months post-op. I really don't feel quite ready yet. I have alot of nerve pain and have a constant lower back ache. I do walk on the treadmill. I am taking percocet twice a day and 600mg of neurontin at bedtime. I just wondered if you felt physically up to it or just feeling pressured to start it........Debbie

  8. #8
    mznell's Avatar

    NEW tingling after first PT session??

    Justoneofus and Pepper ~ Thanks for your comments. Your two posts represent my dilemna. I have always been very flexible, so even now, I don't feel like my back or body is tight.

    I think what I'm going to do is push back PT. It occurred to me that if I'd had surgery with my first choice doc, I would still be in a brace...so I'll just keep walking, do the exercises that I learned the first day in PT, give myself a little more time to heal and then will go back in a month or two.

  9. #9
    deeannek's Avatar

    NEW tingling after first PT session??

    Make sure you report this new tingling to your therapist and doctor. I'd say that maybe one of the exercises your doing is the problem. I know when I was in PT we had to adjust exercises all the time. I'd also go a easy for the next few days.

  10. #10
    mznell's Avatar

    NEW tingling after first PT session??

    After finally getting rid of 3 years worth of tingling in the legs, I kind of panicked when I started feeling some again after PT. Since no one is pushing me to go to PT, I think I'll old off. How long do you think I should wait? Maybe start around 4 months out??



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