Right now there are many liberals who think the solution to the stagnant economy is the government needs to be spending more.

Pardon my ignorance, but if the fact that individuals and companies aren't spending is the reason the economy isn't moving. How is taking more money away from companies and individuals so government can spend more going to help?

Country boy logic says when money moves in the economy it's because people think they will be able to make more in the near future. When that money moves there's more taxes collected. Again my country logic says you don't spend money when money is running short or could run short. And you have to plan ahead.

We all have to pay taxes. You can't get around that. And thanks to the IRS government is going to get their share--First! So all we are left to spend for what we want and need is what's left over. Now if it looks like taxes are going to go up in the future are we going to spend everything we have now? I don't think so. We have to eat, keep a roof over our heads, and clothes on our back. If taxes go up I've got to scale back on anything non-essential. And I may even have to scale back on the quality of what is essential.

Now every dollar that gets pulled from the economy reduces the amount of money that moves. And that in turn reduces the amount of taxes collected. *G* It doesn't a math wizard to know that's what is going to happen.

Liberals are just now starting to worry about the deficits. Right now the US is looking at a $1.3-1.5 trillion dollar deficit for this year alone with a national debt approaching $14 trillion. Again for this country boy that says someone hasn't been planning ahead. What government has in obligations for entitlements is going to increase dramatically soon. It's going to come down to does government cut entitlements or jack taxes. Either way it's going to get real tough real fast.

Cut entitlements? What? And make granny do without food? Not going to happen! It will cost politicians too many votes. But what about cutting some entitlements to those who don't really need them. Now that's a possibility. But there are a lot of things that can be cut and should have been cut or at least modified a long time ago. And push is coming to shove.

Jack taxes on the "rich"? I read where the upper 3% already pay 52% of the taxes right now. And here's a shock for some liberals. That 3% doesn't start at multimillionaires. It drops down to those people starting at $250K. Now at $250K that includes a lot of small businesses who are the people who create most of the new jobs. Now here's a really good reason to cut taxes on small businesses. They create jobs people with jobs pay taxes. People with jobs spend money this boosts the economy and that increases taxes.

You want to boost the economy? Back off taxes and other government junk!
OBTW I'm no moneybags!