He's 78 years old and been a part of some of the biggest fights over the last 45 years but for Bob Arum his time spent recently in the Philippines may have been the proudest moment of his career. Arum is a big fan of politics and said he was re-energized by Manny Pacquiao's efforts over the last few weeks.

"It's like he turned back the clock," Arum said of how Pacquaio helped him. "I was checking on these election precincts. I amazed some of these Filipinos. How
I got into this. I maybe think more than a boxing promoter my calling was probably as a politician or a political operative."

For those who have dealt with Arum over the years, make your own jokes. All kidding aside, Arum did say that he has one more thing to accomplish and it's not making the Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather fight.

"My great, great dream is to still be around to attend the inauguration of Manny Pacquiao as the president of the Philippines. That would be to me, the greatest achievement in my career."

When asked by David Mayo of the Grand Rapid Press if Pacquiao could be part of the big fight's negotiating process, Arum quickly snapped back saying no, he's too busy as a Congressman now. That political career may cut Pacman's boxing career a bit shorter than you'd expect. Arum said Pacquiao told him in confidence how much longer he'll be fighting but wouldn't elaborate.

Pacquiao will be back in the U.S. in early June to attend the Miguel Cotto-Yuri Foreman fight at Yankee Stadium on June 5. He will not be able to throw out a pitch at a Yankee game. Obviously, The Bronx Bombers will be out of town. Arum said Pacman has a nice little curveball according to San Francisco Giant pitcher Tim Lincecum. Lincecum, who is half-Filipino, was on the receiving end of a Pacquiao first pitch back in April of 2009.
http://sports.yahoo.com/box/blog/box_experts/post/Arum-finds-joy-in-Pacquiao-s-congressional-run;_ylt=AgyicStAY3EkJpehvnuC5EWUxLYF?urn=box,2417 04
are pactards stupid enough to actually elect a dumb boxer president?