Recently they have been putting things like this on everyones wall, and i don't know what they are supposed to be doing:

"will? The guy with the awesome name? The one who helps me piss of miss meyers evryday? The one that i need to hangout with? The asian will? Yea i know him? Why wassup?"

"Raul? The guy who EEEEEVVVERRRYYYYOONE at whitney teases me about? The guy who i think is super cute? the little boy who I also think looks really kute in the ROTC uniform but I always forget to tell? lol That one boy who needs to get involved more in school activites and needs to stop being so antisocial? the guy who ...I find very different than other guys ive met in my past? the guy who has awesome hair and listens stevie wonder? the guy i text with 24/7? haha the guy who told me i am one of the prettiest girl he has met at whitney and made me feel so flattered?! that one kiddo who brought me m&ms to skoo? That boy who notices like every single little detail? the one whom i didnt get along with very well at the begininng but somehow ended up being one of my closest friends? lol yeah i kno him why wassup? )"

"Sohrob? The pimp? The hustler? My favorite ackie? The one who works at akin? The one with the incredible display of shoes? The tall as hell kid? The one everyone had seem to know? The one with the deep as hell voice? The one who gets hoes? The one who's funny as hell? HElL ya I know him! WHY WASSUP???????"

"Sohrob Moslehi(ithinkispelleditright)? Coolest muuuhfuckin ackie known to mankind? my partner in crime? the one everyone knows SOMEHOW? the one who needs to start pullin more hoes? the one who dresses pretty damn cool? the one with the chill ass personality? that arabian kid? yeah i know him....why wassup?"

Please tell me what this is, and possibly answer for me why the hell i'm always last to know about things like this?