I have being curius about something a friend with terminar cancer ask me and I dint know the answer. He had 4 kids and he wanted to create a image of himself taken from a picture give it life movement like the video games and being able tu imput all his memories since he was a child and every moment of his life and memories of raising his kids excetera, speech recognition and voice so this clone can talk and interact with his kids and chat with them like if it was himself. He tought this at least would give them confort. I feel so bad I dint know how or where to get information if there was a program like this or several programs that could make this posible. Does somebody knows if this can be done? If so, please indicate me where to get them maybe I can help someone else or even my self. Im not talking about artificial life, I think that there is a way, help will be grately apreciated, Jay.