
I know my question comes a bit early, as my daughter is still only 2 years old. However, I would like to gather more information from now.

I come from a family with females of short torso, broad shoulders, wide ribcage and typical apple shaped body type - to top it off, I also have a mild scoliosis, which I believe, have shortened my torso even more and gave me this extreme apple shape/masculine look.

Anyway, I'm meanwhile concerned about my 2 years old daughter to have the same body type as me. Now I know it's all about genetics, but I'm also a firm believer that certain exercise and sports can "refine" a body shape while growing.

Do you have any ideas about sports or exercise to help stretching the spine and torso in kids while growing? So even if my daughter will end up with broad shoulders and typical apple-shaped body like I do, at least the long torso will balance her look a bit...

Thanks for any input!