I recently noticed that my Droid 2 Global has an obstruction at the bottom of the screen. After showing this to a sales rep at my local Verizon store, Verizon sent me a "like-new" replacement. My old Droid 2 updated to the Gingerbread 2.3, but the new one will not. I called Verizon and a tech support guy told me that I won't be able to get the upgrade for a while. I have really grown to like the 2.3 update, so much to where I really can't stand the 2.2 software any more. Since I received the replacement, I've noticed that the obstruction on the old phone is just a piece of foam that has popped out of it's place. Should I keep the old phone (which is all beat up) or should I keep the replacement and wait for the update? I could really care less how the phone looks physically.

(I have four days before I have to return one of the phones.)