Ok, so for the past 4 days I have had no water at my house. The well on the property was broke before I moved in, but the trailer park behind us has been letting my landlord use theirs. They had something happen and had to shut off our water. I can not do dishes, flush the toilet, brush my teeth, shower, give my 2 year old a bath, water my garden that I spent about $300 on. I learned yesterday that the only thing wrong with the well on our property is that someone filled a pipe with sand and it just needs to be cleaned out. What are my rights? I am having to buy water to drink and make my daughters juice with and having to go over to my dads to take a shower and give her a bath. I heard that when heat is not provided you can deduct the prorated amount of days from the rent. Is this true for water as well. It's getting pretty gross. I found maggots in my sink because I can't do my dishes this morning. They ave piled up, because I do them by hand and have no water.