I bought two fish- 3-4" butterfly koi two wks ago. Since then one of the new fish started flashing, then another of my little babies just born started flashing. Then it moved to my big koi, and now has infested all 19 fish. I've checked water constantly, nothing, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, etc. all good. Went to the same store to buy prazi for the pond and they didn't have it, they sold me jungle pond, with trichlorfon in it. The white gold fish is now red and they all are just sitting on the bottom for 4 days now and the gold fish arent eating, the koi eat a little. Now two little babies have died and I'm running out of things to do. I've changed water 25% and added the parasite pond stuff and that's what killed the fish I think, No signs on the babies, no redness, no specs, nothing. I've had my fish for 9 years and NEVER had sick fish, I'm lost what to do. Local places don't carry the prazi, which is the stuff that works. Now I got that other poison in the pond if I buy prazi on line do I have to change all the water? My pond is 25' long 8' wide at top with a bog and water filter, the water is good!
I just want to help these fish, but can't, any help would be appreciated, There are so many conflicting comments through out the web on what to do. Salt doesnt' work. Thanks Bob H
All water parameters are good, ammonia no sign, nitrate, nitrite, ph all are good, water is clear as a bell. I bought those two babies and now the whole herd is affected, makes me mad.