>> monday, june 25th , 2012 . with the new look, tweet me what you think about it and what changes you would like to see. my first read of the morning. the supreme court will rule on the president's signature legislative achievement, the health care law , putting an exclamation point on a tumultuous month for the white house . that could come an hour from now on the last official day of the term or thursday. the additional day the court added to its decision schedule. up in the state for the white house , a court ruling on arizona's immigration law . d-day for the student low rates that will expire june 30th if not extended by congress. and it's the last opportunity to make a deal on a highway bill . that might create a couple of jobs. house republicans promised a contempt vote for eric holder . it's the suspension that has both scrambling. there three possible outcomes. everything is upheld or struck down or something in between. they emptied their health care notebooks with the strategy and using phrases like brave face and obama braces for a ruling for which is a ruling that the court strike down at least some of the law. a few days after oral argument , how he would respond if the bill is overturned.
>> ultimately i am confident that the supreme court will not take what would be an unprecedented extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected congress.
>> the president tempered that language, it's clear that judicial activism will be the white house argument if the law is struck down, particularly if the decision is 5-4. if the law is overturned, it will be hard for the president to explain it away. they will have politics on his side, but he will offend 25% of his presidency on something the nation's highest court determines unconstitutional. if it's upheld, the winning side will feel energized. republican leaders are wary of going too far . if the court strikes down all or part of the president's health care law , there will be no spiking of the ball. okay, so he said. then the outcome nobody is expecting, the one virtually every legal scholar predicted when the challenges were first announced. that would throw the republican base for a loop and probably mean that the romney has to talk about health care more because his base would demand it.
>> i know the supreme court is about to make a decision with regards to obama care. i have here in my pocket what they are going to say. actually i don't know what they are going to do, but regardless of what they do, it's going to be up to the next president to repeal and replace obama care or replace obama care. i intend to do both.
>> then the possibility of the mandate struck down and the rest of the law is upheld. it looks more and more like a legislative nightmare. how do you cover the cost of treating people who don't have insurance if younger people are allowed to dropout of the system, the president is arguing the public is too tired to relitigate these battles.
>> we're don't need to refight the battle we just had over health care reform .
>> for the president wins this legal fight, is it the pivot that sells the law to the public for the first time? if it is struck down, how does the president joke about it at the white house dinner in april?
>> in my first time we passed health care reform . in my second term, i guess i will pass it again.
>> anyway, it's anybody's guess. careful of the predictions. the political nightmare for everybody involved is 5-4. nobody will feel like they got a fair hearing on that. more than 700 top fund-raisers for mitt romney gathered in park city , utah. two days of campaign strategy and policy issue and an opportunity for donors to rub shoulders with every republican in the running to be mitt romney 's number two.
>> it's a rally, if you will, of his best supporters and a briefing on the issues.
>> meyers who is running the process was there with every republican thought to be under consideration to be the partner on the ticket. look at that list of folks. among the highlights of the day was a lunchtime speech by someone who took herself off the short list. the former secretary of state received not one, but two standing ovations. one described it as exhilarating. they defended the business record saying according to the " wall street journal ," barack obama does not understand the narrative of america. the narrative of america is not i am doing poorly because you are doing well. maybe most strike was the attendance of the super pac men. karl rove was there and charlie was spotted in the hotel lobby. they confirmed he was in the lobby and said he was not officially attending and his wife was a member of the romney team. they were asked about whether the coziness between the campaign and the super pacs is at all improper.
>> it is indeed proper because the line between the campaigns and these independent groups is that you can't coordinate about the expenditure of money. you can talk all day about issues, policy, general things like that.
>> by the way, here's an interesting question for you. imagine if the obama campaign held something like this and all of its big bundlers and donors. a lot of whom would be more famous. perhaps athletes and stuff. i wonder what the coverage would have looked like. this has been a rough month for the president. whether it is may's weak jobs report or republicans using subpoena power and the fast and furious this week, everything that happened in the month of june, there is remarkable stability in the race. nothing like taking a few days off to see that. a lot of chatter and little change. romney is raising money and the campaign is on message, but he has been the subject of a pretty sustained media assault from the obama campaign going on all month. maybe it's part demographics and strategy and maybe it's part obama campaign spending, but the bottom line is we have a nearly dead even race. where the race was in april and where the race was in may. with all this, it's where the race is right now.