I live in London and I'm in the hiking society at my college which has trips now and again. This weekend there is a weekend trip to the Yorkshire dales where we will be doing a lot of hiking. I have so far not been on a hiking trip, and have not done hiking before in my life, so I am a little worried. Main reason is the cold- it's said to be 0-2 degrees! and there are blankets of snow.

The reason I want to go though is that Yorkshire is a place I love fully and I would like to see it in the snow. Do you live in Yorkshire, and if so, how cold are you? And if you've done hiking in such snowy freezing conditions before, how was your experience? Did you almost get frostbite?

I'm normally not that good with the cold, so will I feel ok? Or will the hiking warm me up? Plus they said it will be sunny this weekend..should help with the temperature haha...