For those of you who are familiar with mythologyand ancient civilizations in general, where do you begin??
I have always been interested in mythology and ancient civilizations, since i was very young. Now at 16, I would actually like to learn facts about it, and the myths and about every culture, like native, Indian, Russian, African, ect. not just the ones that first pop into your mind like Roman, Greek, and Egyptian. I already know a good amount, of those 3, but am curious to learn about the rest.

I want to know where a good place to start looking is. Like what culture, and what aspect of it, what age. I want to learn everything I possibly can, yet there is so many places to start, I can't think of where I should begin. Where exactly would you recommend I start??

and if you have any websites that could help me, I would really appreciate it!! and if you just have a piece of advice or something it would be great!!! I'm looking for any help I can get!

Thanks sooo much for the help!!!